The first season of American Horror Story will be released right before the Season 2 premiere and we have an early look at the cover art and a preliminary list of bonus features.

Details were recently given to retailers and mention that a 3-disc Blu-ray set will be released on September 25th with a suggested retail price of $59.99. A DVD version will also be sold on the same date for $49.98.

The full list of bonus features has not yet been released, but here is a preliminary list of features that will be included:

  • Exclusive in-character Murder House Tour
  • In-depth Making of American Horror Story featurette
  • A Deeper Look Into the House Ghosts

We're expecting a more exhaustive list of bonus features to be revealed in the near future and probably some Blu-ray exclusives as well. Online retailers are already taking pre-orders for both the Blu-ray and DVD versions, and we'll update this story when everything is officially announced by Fox. Here is an early look at the Blu-ray cover art: