Get ready for to watch two cult classics restored in high-definition. According to a new report, Plan 9 From Outer Space and The Little Shop of Horrors will both see a Blu-ray release next month.

On March 6th, Legend Films is expected to release Plan 9 From Outer Space and The Little Shop of Horrors on Blu-ray. They regularly restore and release cult classic horror films and also handle releases for RiffTrax. They just started moving into horror Blu-ray releases last year, with The Man Who Could Cheat Death and The Skull Blu-ray double feature.

Both films are currently available for pre-order on Amazon at $15.49. There are no details on what bonus features might be included on the disc, but their previous DVD release of Plan 9 contained audio commentaries, deleted scenes, and additional extras.

Plan 9 From Outer Space: Ed Wood's cult classic has been hailed as the worst film of all time, but it's one of the most hilariously entertaining movies you'll ever see. Aliens fear the human race will develop a deadly "solaranite bomb." After eight failed attempts, Plan 9 is their scheme to reanimate earth's dead to build a zombie army and stop the earthlings from destroying the universe. With string-powered flying saucers, twisted alien logic and "priceless" special effects, it's a movie mission destined for success - or not.

Little Shop of Horrors: A classic tale of boy-meets-girl, plant-eats-people with Jack Nicholson in one of his first film roles. Seymour's exotic plant has an insatiable appetite only for blood and flesh. As the ruthless plant grows larger and larger with each feeding, so do Seymour's affections for shop girl, Audrey. The madness culminates with Seymour and his bloodthirsty plant in a feeding frenzy of epic proportions.
