Exclusive Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut Interview - The Scream Factory Comic-Con panel dropped huge news for Clive Barker fans last week when it was announced that they'd be releasing Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut on Blu-ray. In an exclusive interview with Daily Dead,  Russell Cherrington, Mark Miller, and Michael Plumides discuss their work on The Cabal Cut, teaming up with Scream Factory, bonus features, and where you can catch a screening of the movie later this week:

Congratulations on getting The Cabal Cut on Blu-ray.

Mark Miller: First let me say, this is an incredible time for Seraphim Films. We have worked closely with Morgan Creek on bringing the Cabal Cut to the world, and upon hearing the news that a deal had been struck with Shout Factory, we were overjoyed. The fruits of our labors have finally paid off. We eagerly await the next chapter in this saga. Our sincerest thanks to everyone who helped make this a reality.

Russell Cherrington: Since the first screening of Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut at Mad Monsters Party in Charlotte, North Carolina the internet has gone crazy for Clive Barker’s lost masterpiece to be released on DVD and Blu Ray. On Friday at Comic Con the dream came true when Mark Miller (Seraphim Films) announced that Scream Factory would be releasing the Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut.

How did this extended cut pick up steam the way it did?

Russell Cherrington: I made this film with my editor Jimmi Johnson with no studio support and no budget – we were completely independent. The film was made because I am lucky enough to work with Clive Barker and Mark Miller on projects. The Cabal Cut was made for Clive Barker and his fans, and it has grown in stature because of Occupy Midian. Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut has sold out screenings all over the world. Thanks to Scream Factory and Michael Plumides we now have distribution and the film will have the second life that it deserves.

Do you feel a sense of accomplishment?

Michael Plumides: This is a big VICTORY. I've been working on all things Nightbreed for well over a year. When I received the call on Friday, I was euphoric. I have really been pushing Morgan Creek to stay on top of everything so we didn't miss the San Diego Comiccon opportunity - to give back to the fans. They deserve it. Everyone has worked really hard on this. Mark Miller, Russell Cherrington along with his editor Jimmi Johnson, David Robinson and I talked daily getting this thing together - Jose Leitao' and Ryan Danhauser keep everyone informed on Occupy Midian. And Clive is ecstatic.

It really feels satisfying to say, "We got it done - corralling cats and getting all of them to sing the same song in unison." I feel like we pulled off the impossible. The fans made this happen. No doubt. We owe the fans for their support. The actors have all come out and supported the movement - Anne Bobby and Craig Sheffer have been delightful. It's just been really great to see it finally come to fruition. Now we will work on worldwide distribution, the comic reboot, and the TV show. I think we have a lot of momentum now. Nightbreed deserves to be a recognizable brand - "Meat for the beast!"

What has been the biggest hurdle to overcome in trying to get The Cabal Cut a distribution deal? Can you our readers about the work that went into getting this deal with Scream Factory?

Michael Plumides: There were a number of concerns, more specifically, to find a distributor who understood the project and would treat it with kid gloves. I believe Shout!Factory/Scream Factory is precisely the kind of distributor we needed.

We had a few screenings of the pilot episode called, Ghost Trek: The Kinsey Report in 2011, winning "Best Comedy" at Fright Night that year and I was working on a production deal with ThinkFactory Media - that incidentally went nowhere. I was also working in an unofficial capacity for Morgan Creek as a consultant when Mad Monster Party announced their first convention in North Carolina, I contacted Eben McGarr, the con chair, about playing my Ghost Trek pilot but my requests fell on deaf ears. Eben and Joe Moe were from California and didn't know me from Adam. But when I heard they needed help getting permission from Morgan Creek to screen Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut at Mad Monster Party (but to little avail), I stepped in and contacted now President, David Robinson and told him, "We need to support this Nightbreed thing. I think it's got some legs."

It took me one phone call to do what they were trying to get done for months, but it really could not have all fell into place without that catalyst moment – and the Mad Monster Party screening was a huge success. We have a great working relationship with Mad Monster – we’re all like a bunch of carneys.  Then last summer I received a pitch package from Morgan Creek for a possible Nightbreed TV show, that had been put together by Matthew Venne (Fright Night 2, Bag of Bones) who had several meetings with Clive and Mark Miller taking notes, Clive's agent represents Matt as well. Morgan Creek asked me what I thought. So I reworked it a bit, and then contacted Mark Miller and Russell Cherrington to talk a little about it. I collaborated and art directed on some character designs and developed a few new ones with Tate Steinsiek who will be appearing on Face Off premiering August 13th on Syfy.  Morgan Creek liked my feedback and put me under contract as a "Creative Consultant" on the TV show.

So, knowing what I know about fan boys and geekdom after traversing the horror circuit - I went the indie route, but not without a little consultation.  I had several hour-long conversations with Jay Morong, a college professor of film and theater and chair of the Back Alley Film Series in Charlotte, NC where they show cult films and new releases. Jay originally suggested Drafthouse Films. My plan was to start hitting key film festivals and events until we get a deal. I had been plotting this trajectory since, maybe, November 2012 - right before Christmas.

So, I hit Tim League up from Fantasticfest and Drafthouse Films on Facebook about a Nightbreed screening and incidentally asked if he might be interested in distribution for the Cabal Cut. I needed people that would understand it. Drafthouse Films - COO, Jim Shapiro is a huge fan - he sent me a pic of his life-size "Decker" head. Although they were fans, to do what we needed to do wasn't really within their wheelhouse. So, on the eve we were supposed to close, they suggested we go to Shout!Factory, introducing me to Cliff MacMillan, who I in turn introduced to Morgan Creek - we got the deal done minutes before the announcement, literally minutes. And, now here we are. I’ve been working on the Scream Factory deal for several months now and it’s fantastic to see it all fall into place. The support from the fans on the net has been amazing.

We previously told our readers about the VHS tape discovery and hard work that went into creating The Cabal Cut. Will that exact same cut that has been screening be the one released by Scream Factory? Will there be additional edits made for the Blu-ray version?

Michael Plumides: Russell, Clive and Mark will be handling that end but it should be true to the version many people have seen, digitally remastered of course from the VHS work prints. I was just the shepherd for the distribution deal and marketing plan – and handled a lot of the social networking and European damage control (laughs).

Scream Factory is known for their extensive bonus features. Do you know what the plans are for this release? Can we expect new commentary with Clive Barker and additional cast/crew members?

Russell Cherrington: I look forward to finishing the film with Mark Miller and Clive Barker and cannot wait for the day we record the commentary together and holding the finished DVD will be like winning the world cup or the super bowl. Also, Mark and his associate Thom are presently working on a documentary as well.

Michael Plumides: Well once I made all the introductions everything else is kind of out of my hands. But the VHS work print elements will be delivered to Shout!Factory - they do excellent work and add lots of extras and behind-the-scenes stuff. I think everyone will be very pleased. There's also a documentary in the works. With the limitations as far as the so-called "lost footage", I think fans will be forgiving. There should be an official press release from Shout!Factory in a matter of hours.

Is there an approximate release date at this time?

Michael Plumides: I don't have a release date yet but keep an eye out for more screenings.

For those interested in seeing The Cabal Cut right away, I know that it has been screening at various events across the country. Where's the next place that fans can see The Cabal Cut?

Michael Plumides: A biggie should be announced very soon for the Lone Star State. Also, the Eerie Horror Convention, Beyondfest in Los Angeles, Oz in Australia – but if you are on the East Coast, come and meet us in Atlanta this week for the party of a lifetime. Russell will be flying in with the sacred VHS tapes and other elements from Derby, England to meet me and Craig Sheffer in Atlanta on July 26th for the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival. He's hosting a screening of the Cabal Cut.

Also on Saturday, July 27th, I'm screening the new fully-completed Ghost Trek: Goomba Body Snatchers Mortuary Lockdown episode at 7 PM - we are currently #2 in "Horror" behind the Clive Barker penned Zombies vs. Gladiators currently on Amazon Studios.

Plus Russell and I are on a few panels. Atlanta is the new Mecca for filmmaking and TV production - we want to bury a flag. Atlanta is my old stomping ground – I went to law school there. I encourage anyone who can make the trip to be there – it won’t ever be this intimate again. Also, Morgan Creek may have a feature filming there in 2014 as well so I should be in Atlanta a lot of next year - my instincts tell me it’s gonna get crazy. 2014 should be a great year for the "Tribes of the Moon"...

We will also have a huge panel at DragonCon so stay tuned to Occupy Midian for news on that or go to www.dragoncon.org for more information.


We want to thank Michael Plumides for helping put The Cabal Cut interview together, along with Russell Cherrington and Mark Miller for taking the time to share this information with our readers. Don't forget to check out the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival to see the latest episode of Ghost Trek and The Cabal Cut before it heads to Blu-ray.

  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.

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