Godzilla Reboot Finds New Writer

2011/11/10 17:13:13 +00:00 | Jonathan James

Back in August, we reported that David Goyer had been hired to write the script for the upcoming Godzilla reboot from Legendary Pictures. According to a new report, Max Borenstein has now been hired to continue work on the script. While the name may not be familiar to everyone, Max has been working with Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. on a number of projects, including The Seventh Son.

At this point, there is no information on whether or not Borenstein is working off of the David Goyer draft or it will be a brand new script. The film is still moving forward with Monsters' Gareth Edwards in the director's chair and we're glad to hear that Legendary isn't rushing this project into production.

Not much is known about the new Godzilla film at this point, but if you'd like to hear Gareth Edwards talk about his approach to the material, we have included an interview with him from April:

Source: THR