New York City's next supernatural squad recently wielded their proton packs in the trailer for the new live action Ghostbusters, and now the director for the in-development animated Ghostbusters film has been announced.
Fletcher Moules will direct the animated Ghostbusters movie for Sony Pictures Animation, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Moules has been a hot hand behind the camera in the animation department as of late, with his vibrant and energetic commercials for the Clash of Clans online game receiving millions of views online.
Not much is known about the plot of the animated film, but if it continues to move forward in development, Ivan Reitman—director of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II—is expected to produce the project.
Reitman is also staying involved with the franchise he helped create through an initiative known as the Ghost Corps, which is focused on expanding the Ghostbusters universe through additional films, including one that is rumored to involve Channing Tatum (as a potential producer and star) and directors Joe and Anthony Russo. Ghostbusters franchise star and writer Dan Aykroyd is also a key element of the Ghost Corps.
As many fans know, this won't be the first animated Ghostbusters project. The popular cartoon The Real Ghostbusters aired from 1986–1991 and the animated Extreme Ghostbusters debuted in 1997. Stay tuned to Daily Dead for more updates on the animated Ghostbusters movie.