Today sees the release of Green Wake #9, which continues the new “Lost Children” story arc. Green Wake writer and co-creator Kurtis Wiebe shared his thoughts on issue 9 with Daily Dead and we’ve included it for you to read, along with artist Riley Rossmo’s favorite panel:
Kurtis Wiebe: "Green Wake #9 is the penultimate chapter of the entire series. Going into it, I knew there had to be a major hook at the end to let the reader know that what was in store for the finale was going to be big.
This was, of course, before I knew that not only was #10 the end of the second arc, but the end of the series. My favourite sequence of the entire second arc takes place in this particular issue and you can see it in the preview. It’s when the unnamed boy and his friends have their long hair cut off and, essentially, their culture taken from them.
I addressed this before as a real series of events that happened in Canada over several decades and, for me, it makes this scene more important than straight dramatic fiction.
I’m also happy with the interaction between Morley and Micah, and feel that turning people’s expectations about who Micah is and what his natural relationship with Morley should be has kept motivations compelling and fresh.
I hope you enjoy #9 and look forward to unravelling the mystery that is Green Wake next month."
As Kurtis mentioned above, the Green Wake comic book series will end after next month's 10th issue. We'll have more information from Kurtis on the end of Green Wake and the possibility of future stories next month. Below, we've included Riley Rossmo's favorite panel from the latest issue. He's also given us a teaser panel from his upcoming zombie comic Rebel Blood, which was announced last month.
Read our exclusive preview of Green Wake #9 at: