Featuring a cast that includes Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch), Charlie Heaton (Stranger Things), and Mia Goth (A Cure for Wellness), Marrowbone pits close-knit siblings against a sinister force in the film's first official trailer.
Written and directed by Sergio G. Sanchez, Marrowbone stars George MacKay, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Mia Goth, and Matthew Stagg. Marrowbone will be released in theaters, On Demand, Amazon Video, and iTunes beginning April 13th from Magnet Releasing.
Synopsis: "Four siblings seek refuge in an old home after the death of their mother, only to discover that the house has another, more sinister, inhabitant, in this haunting directorial debut from Sergio G. Sánchez, screenwriter of The Orphanage and The Impossible."