Hideo Kojima dropped the new trailer for Death Stranding during Sony's E3 PlayStation Showcase. Clocking in at a little more than 8-minutes, we get up close and personal with Sam Bridges (Norman Reedus), but we still have more questions than we do answers. Check out the trailer for yourself below and stay tuned to Daily Dead for more updates on Death Stranding as they become available.

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes an all new, genre defining experience for the PlayStation®4. Besieged by death's tide at every turn, Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the stranded remnants of the future in his hands, Sam embarks on a journey to reunite the shattered world one step at a time. What is the mystery of the Death Stranding? What will Sam discover on the road ahead? A genre defining gameplay experience holds these answers and more.

Starring Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, Léa Seydoux and Lindsay Wagner

KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS Official Website: http://www.kojimaproductions.jp/

  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.