In 2012, Anchor Bay released Mimesis: Night of the Living Dead. Directed by Douglas Schulze (The Dark Below), the film followed horror fans that find themselves in the middle of George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, and now we have word that Mimesis will continue next year in Mimesis: Nosferatu.
Set a few years after the original film, the sequel takes place at a private school, where students are adapting a stage version of Nosferatu that begins to take on a life of its own. Allen Maldonado, from the original Mimesis, returns in what's described as a Van Helsing-like role, and he's joined by Lance Henriksen.
In terms of when you can see the movie, I'm told that the plan is to have the film hit the festival circuit, which will be followed by a worldwide release sometime in 2019. Take a look at the official trailer and poster below, and you can keep up with Mimesis: Nosferatu at: