Executive produced by Sam Raimi (who also directed "The Golden Arm" episode), the horror anthology series 50 States of Fright originally premiered on Quibi back in April, and now new episodes have been added to the mobile streaming service, introducing viewers to urban legends from Iowa, Washington, Colorado, and Missouri.
These disturbing urban legends are brought to life by talented filmmakers Scott Beck & Bryan Woods, Lee Cronin, Daniel Goldhaber, and Cate Devaney, and you can get an idea of what to expect from the new episodes of 50 States of Fright in the trailer below. Also, in case you missed it, check out highlights from our conference call with Raimi earlier this year.
50 States of Fright explores stories based on urban legends from every state, taking viewers deeper into the horrors that lurk just beneath. This horror anthology series launched in the spring, showcasing stories from Michigan, Kansas, Oregon, Minnesota and Florida. New tales will be released from Iowa, Washington, Colorado and Missouri starting September 28th.
Iowa: Almost There – With the ghost of her dead mother terrorizing her, an engineer must fix a turbine in the middle of Iowa while a storm rages.
Written by: Scott Beck & Bryan Woods
Starring: Taissa Farmiga, Ron Livingston, Katie Stuart
Washington: 13 Steps to Hell – When a sister descends a strange underground stairwell adjacent to an overgrown Washington cemetery to retrieve her little brother’s lost toy, she finds more than she bargained for at the bottom of the steps.
Written by: Sarah Conradt
Directed by: Lee Cronin
Starring: Rory Culkin, Lulu Wilson
Colorado: Red Rum – When a bunch of “influencers” descend on Colorado’s most haunted hotel, they find themselves the victims of a bunch of spirits who just want to be left alone.
Written by: Daniel Goldhaber and Isa Mazzei
Directed by: Daniel Goldhaber
Starring: Christina Ricci, Jacob Batalon, Victoria Justice, Colin Ford
Missouri: Dogwood – Azalea – When a young girl moves to a new town in rural Missouri with her family, she makes a new friend of a very old and angry soul.
Written by: Cate Devaney
Directed by: Cate Devaney
Starring: Erica Tremblay, Elizabeth Reaser, Warren Christie