Coming August 20th from Giant Pictures, we have an exclusive preview from Art of a Hit that gives you a look at the opening scene!

ART OF A HIT stars Ryan Donowho (THE O.C.), Charlie Saxton (HBO’s HUNG), Tim Jo (THIS IS US), Rob Raco (RIVERDALE), James Earl (Hulu’s WHITE MEN CAN’T JUMP), Allie MacDonald (WHAT/IF), and David Valdes (LAST THE NIGHT) in this chilling vision of a rock band who saw soaring heights of success in the late 90s, but are now haunted by irrelevance.

Struggling to regain visibility a decade after the band’s prime, lead singer Ryan (Ryan Donowho) accepts eccentric super-producer’s Charlie Dupont (Charlie Saxton)’s invite for the band to join him in a 1000-year-old French chateau to record a comeback album. But as tensions rise and tempers flare, Ryan and his bandmates realize they're up against more than just the pressure to succeed.

Directed by Gaelan Draper, the film was co-written and produced by Charlie Saxton and Draper, was shot on-location in Dordogne, France and features an original soundtrack with music by indie rock band Jets to Brazil. Saxton and Draper first met 15 years ago while shooting the musical comedy BANDSLAM, and channeled their love of working and playing in bands together into the creation of ART OF A HIT.