A seemingly abandoned mansion turns out to be home to unfathomable evil in the new horror movie Blood Bags, and ahead of its December release from High Octane Pictures, we've been provided with an exclusive clip to share with Daily Dead readers.
An explorer gets more than she bargained for when she stumbles upon a violent resident of a secluded and spooky home in our exclusive clip from Blood Bags, coming to DVD and Digital on December 3rd via High Octane Pictures.
"Emiliano Ranzani’s Blood Bags, a modern take on classic Italian horror cinema, premieres on DVD and Digital this December.
A creature stalks the corridors of an abandoned mansion. Two friends break in and discover that all exits have been sealed off and the creature that hunts them is growing hungry for their blood; there is no escape.
From director Emiliano Ranzani, and starring Makenna Guyler, Emanuele Turetta, and Marta Tananyan, Blood Bags premieres December 3 on DVD and Digital from High Octane Pictures."
NSFW clip:
Trailer from Bloody Disgusting: