Gaming news continues to pour in today, as Stickskills is reporting that the upcoming Official Xbox Magazine is set to officially reveal a brand new Resident Evil game, titled Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Developed by Slant Six Games (SOCOM: Confrontation), Operation Raccoon City looks to be a complete departure from the type of gameplay found in previous Resident Evil titles. Here is some of the game information that was revealed:

-The game takes place in 1998, a time where Resident Evil fans already know what's set to take place. The title lets you enjoy the series from a new perspective, as the men and women who are technically responsible for it all.

-Rather than continuing the zombie slaying antics of BSAA agents, you're taken back to the original outbreak "that underscored both Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis."

-Operation Raccoon City is a team-based shooter allowing four members of the USS team to destroy all evidence of the ongoing outbreak. Along with slaying the zombies, you're looking to "kill pretty much every survivor possible".

-Operation Raccoon City, depending on how you play the game, will give you the option to "change the history of Resident Evil". Not only will you have the chance to meet and interact with various characters from the series, but you'll even have the opportunity to kill them.

-Operation Raccoon City allows players to earn XP for kills... The XP will allow you to earn new abilities, such as Vector's cloaking skill, and new weapons.

For more gameplay information, check out the source link below and pick up the May 2011 issue of the Official Xbox Magazine. We will provide more details and screenshots as soon as they are released.

Source: Stickskills