Daniel Myrick, who co-wrote and co-directed The Blair Witch Project with Eduardo Sanchez, is set to direct his own project, Under the Bed. Radar Pictures have just picked it up and we have all the info on Myrick's next film.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Under The Bed is based on a true story of  a stalker who takes up "residence underneath the bed of his female target, subtly manipulating her life until ultimately revealing his presence."

Myrick is gearing up to direct his own script, and producing the film will be Ted Field, Mike Weber and Shawn Papazian. Tom van Dell, Eustace Hicks and Aldo LaPietra are on board as executive producers. Radar Pictures were behind this year's Riddick and Spring Breakers, and are hoping to finance Under The Bed in the same way as the latter.

Since the success of The Blair Witch Project, Myrick most recently directed 2008's The Objective, whilst also having writer and directing credits on several other smaller features. It is believed that plans are moving quickly for Under The Bed, and casting could begin any day now. *This story was submitted by Jemma George.



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