Many horror fans know Felissa Rose from one of the most shocking endings in horror movie history in 1983's Sleepaway Camp. Over three decades later, the actress/producer continues to be an admirable force in the genre, and we're proud to feature an exclusive interview with Rose in a new bonus episode of our podcast that's a special treat for horror lovers in our Corpse Club membership system.

On our new member-exclusive bonus episode of Corpse Club, Heather Wixson talks with Felissa Rose about her iconic performance as Angela in the 1983 slasher movie Sleepaway Camp. The talented actress/producer also talks about her return to acting in the early 2000s, the joys of collaborating with friends in the film industry, producing new horror films such as Death House, working with Adam Green on Victor Crowley, and being part of a strong, supportive community of women in horror.

Corpse Club members are being sent an audio file of the new bonus episode that offers great insights into the making of Sleepaway Camp and working in the horror movie industry.

There's more bonus content to come...

In addition to our Roseanne Halloween podcast episode and audio commentaries for Scream 2Black Christmas (1974), and Friday the 13th Part 2, this is the kind of bonus content we want to continue to bring exclusively to Corpse Club members on a regular basis, but the only way we can provide you with more content from your favorite writers and co-hosts is through your support. If you haven't already joined the Corpse Club, please consider becoming a member. Anyone who signs up will get access to the Felissa Rose bonus episode as well as previously released and upcoming Daily Dead and Corpse Club bonus content.

Thank you for supporting Daily Dead!

Your support allows us to expand our staff, support the members of our team, and provide more features from the writers and co-hosts you love, including Scott Drebit, Patrick Bromley, Heather Wixson, and more. Thanks, as always, for reading, listening, and supporting the Daily Dead team. For those of you who are thinking about joining the Corpse Club, please don't hesitate to seek us out among the tombstones. There's plenty of room in the crypt and we have such sights to show you...

To learn more about our Corpse Club membership system and to sign up, visit:

Are you an existing Corpse Club member looking to listen to the Felissa Rose bonus episode? Check your email inbox for instructions on how to access the commentary, and thank you from the bottom of our horror-loving hearts for making Daily Dead your destination to stay scary!

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