8 FOUND DEAD: "Stuck in a pandemic, Travis Greene and Jonathan Buchanan stumbled upon the story of 8 FOUND DEAD while spitballing ideas at their local coffee shop.

Using several real-life characters and situations from Travis' life, Jonathan crafted a story around the inherent drama of being held hostage by conversation, a cue taken from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966) - which, along with Death Trap (1982), Funny Games (2007) and The Strangers (2008) served as inspiration for the filmmakers.

The next step was choosing a cinematographer. and the obvious choice was their friend Ryan Valdez. His unique style had always stood out and seemed perfect for 8 FOUND DEAD."


"Two couples drive to a secluded house in the desert for a weekend getaway, each with their own baggage, expectations and secrets. Upon their arrival, they are met by two strangers, claiming to have rented the house as well.

What starts out as a “simple misunderstanding” ends in an all-night bloodbath.

Told in 4 parts, with a shuffled timeline, 8 FOUND DEAD is less of a “whodunit?” and more of a “who the hell survies?”.


  • Carrie: Aly Trasher
  • Sam: Alisha Soper
  • Dwayne: William Gabriel Grier
  • Ricky: Eddy Acosta
  • Liz: Rosanne Limeres
  • Richard: Tim Simek
  • Blake Miller: Laura Buckles
  • Bobby Miller: Patrick Joseph Rieger
  • Jessie: Jenny Tran
  • Jessie’s Mom: Louann Vo
  • Patty: Nancy Linehan Charles
  • Man In Black: Jonathan Buchanan
  • Zack & Charlie: Travis Greene


  • Director/Producer: Travis Greene
  • Writer/Producer: Jonathan Buchanan
  • DP/Producer: Ryan Valdez
  • Editors: 
    • Rick Blakely
    • Neil Evans
  • Production Designer: Hannah Risinger
  • Special FX Makeup Artist: Jordan Hurst
  • Music & Sound Designer: Travis Greene

Trailer via Bloody Disgusting


THE HARBINGER: "XYZ Films is proud to release THE HARBINGER, the latest film from Andy Mitton (The Witch in the Window, Yelloebrickroad, We Go On), in cinemas and on VOD on December 1st.

The most critically-acclaimed horror film of 2022, The Harbinger is a harrowing descent into terror that's Variety calls "a maze in which dreams deceptively look like reality, and true reality is increasingly hard to grasp."

When her oldest friend is plagued by horrific nightmares from the beyond, Monique is forced to travel to NYC. On the first night of the visit, Monique learns the dreams are contagious – and so is the HARBINGER, the plague mask-wearing demon who not only feeds on its victims’ souls, but warps reality itself to remove any trace of their existence.

Written and directed by Andy Mitton, The Harbinger is produced by Richard W. King and Jay Dunn. Donny Broussard, Thomas Johnston, Isaiah LaBorde, Murray Anthony Roth, and John Paul Summers. The film stars Gabby Beans, Emily Davis, Ray Anthony Thomas, Myles Walker, Cody Braverman"


Linnea Quigley and Lovari's 4 Horror Film Roles in 2022: With the Blu-Ray/DVD release of "The Barn 2" for pre-order this Black Friday, horror icon Linnea Quigley and singer/actor Lovari round off 4 horror films together that are currently in rotation.

Scream queen legend Linnea Quigley has starred in some of the most revered horror films and B-movie cult flicks in history, including "Return Of The Living Dead" and "Night Of The Demons". She was also one of the first celebrities to release a workout video before that became a "thing". While Lovari may be more recognizable in the music industry for his Billboard single "No Day Like Today" (featuring The Real Housewives Of New Jersey) and his three Top 40 iTunes albums, he has been steadily building up his career in the acting industry for the past five years, including a 2018 Newark Latino Film Festival Award for Best Actor. His breakthrough seems to have come this year, with back to back roles in four horror features, all of which have been simultaneously in 2022.

Generating a plethora of buzz is "The Barn 2", the Justin Seaman directed sequel which has picked up various awards at film festivals this year, including Best Horror Feature at Nightmares Film Festival and Requiem Film Festival, and nominations for Best Horror Feature at GenreBlast, NJ Horror Con, Popcorn Frights and Days Of The Dead. The film features a who's who of horror icons, including Linnea Quigley (Return Of The Living Dead), Ari Lehman (Friday The 13th), Doug Bradley (Hellraiser), Joe Bob Briggs (The Last Drive In), and Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger). Lovari has a supporting role as Tony, the sidekick to Ari Lehman's Dr. Rock character, both nemesis to Linnea Quigley's Mrs. Barnhart character. in addition to a song/music video on the soundtrack and Blu-Ray release.

Pre-orders are available at https://screamteamreleasing.com/collections/the-barn-merch-store/products/the-barn-part-ii-blu-ray-special-edition?variant=42591871631521.

You can watch the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpK84i-PvyM

The beloved cult series "Terror Toons" has just released their fourth installment with a premiere in North Hollywood. This particular installment is in anthology form with segments directed by Joe Castro (also known for his spectacular special effects in several horror feature films), Steven Escobar (Emmy winner) and Matthew Vinaja. In this feature, Linnea Quigley and Brinke Stevens ("Slumber Party Massacre") go toe to toe, with Lovari included in the cast as well.

Up next is "Thrust!", directed by Victor Bonacore. Winner of Best Ohio Film at Nightmares Film Festival and various nominations at film festivals in the US, this self described "shitfucked vile apocalyptic dystopian love story" stars Erin Brown, Allison Egan, Michael Shershenovich and Linnea Quigley. In this insane ride of a film, Lovari plays Junkee, leader of the gang for Mother Nature (Linnea Quigley). This movie should be seen on an empty stomach. (You have been warned!) The trailer for "Thrust!" is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta65XA-04dY

Rounding off the list of Linnea and Lovari appearances is "Appetite For Sin", a sexy horror feature dealing with a female vampire coven, directed by Matthew Vinaja. Lovari plays Matt, a horny counterpart with his posse (including Mike Ferguson). Linnea plays a news reporter helping to report the case on national television.

Watch the "Appetite For Sin" trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuZ8xh9wQBs

  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.

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