Performing vampire slayings on the spot? Yes, please. A trailer and details for Improvised Buffy at the High Stakes Theater Company in NYC headlines today's Highlights. Also: DIS photos and trailer and a Q&A with writer and director James Dylan for [Cargo].

Improvised Buffy  and Ticketing Information: "Join us on our very own little slice of the Hellmouth. Buffy fans gather on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. to watch a group of skilled actors and Whedon fanatics make up a live episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the spot. Grab a drink at "The Bronze" bar and get ready for vamp dustings, apocalypses, wiggins, and more!

More Information:



DIS Photos and Trailer Revealed: "An ex-soldier with a criminal past takes refuge in the woods. A demonic figure seeks the seed of killers and the blood of the damned to feed his mandrake garden. DIS is an infernal descent into the root of the mandrake legend and a man who wanders too close to that legend and the unnamable terror behind it. What you sow you will reap…

Bill Oberst Jr. - Ariel
Lori Jo Hendrix - Sophia
Peter Gonzales Falcon - Orlando
Manuel Domínguez - The Figure
Anne Voitsekhova - Dancer

Director of Photography: Rodrigo ‘Rocco’ Rodriguez
Production Design: Marilu Aldama
FX Supervisor: Jorge Siller
Editor: Priscila Sanchez
Sound design: Kirby Meador
Produced by: Beatriz Barradas and Adrian Corona
Written and directed by: Adrian Corona."

  • Tamika Jones
    About the Author - Tamika Jones

    Tamika hails from North Beach, Maryland, a tiny town inches from the Chesapeake Bay.She knew she wanted to be an actor after reciting a soliloquy by Sojourner Truth in front of her entire fifth grade class. Since then, she's appeared in over 20 film and television projects. In addition to acting, Tamika is the Indie Spotlight manager for Daily Dead, where she brings readers news on independent horror projects every weekend.

    The first horror film Tamika watched was Child's Play. Being eight years old at the time, she remembers being so scared when Chucky came to life that she projectile vomited. It's tough for her to choose only one movie as her favorite horror film, so she picked two: Nosferatu and The Stepford Wives (1975).

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