In Mrs. Claus from Wild Eye Releasing, jolly ol' Saint Nick's wife looks a lot different! Release details for Mrs. Claus kick off today's Horror Highlights. Also: ZombieCON screening details and info on Gavin Brivik's score for Cam.

Mrs. Claus DVD and VOD Release Details: "It’s going to be a very Black Christmas.

Scream Queen Brinke Stevens, My Bloody Valentine’s Helene Udy and Kaylee Williams (Model Hunger) help introduce you to Santa’s stocking stuffer, Mrs. Claus.

A group of college students attending a Christmas party at a sorority house that has a sinister past is stalked by a bloodthirsty killer disguised as Mrs. Claus in writer/director Troy Escamilla’s award-winning yuletide spookfest.

Mrs. Claus premieres on VOD and DVD November 13 from Wild Eye Releasing."


Details on ZombieCON Screening Turnout: "Con-going fans get a first look at award-winning indie 'ZombieCON: Cosplayers stuck in a zombie apocalypse of anime proportions'.

'ANI-Fi’ was born on October 27th, 2018, 5:00 PM at, Los Angeles COMIC CON, Room 306; with the showing of Big Squid Productions' groundbreaking feature film, ‘ZombieCON: Cosplayers stuck in a zombie apocalypse of Anime Proportions'... and ‘anime proportions’ couldn’t be more bang on.

"ZombieCON", America’s live-action take on what would be a ‘Highschool of the Dead’ for the West, awed a packed con audience; which, roared with laughter, gripped their seats in terror and teared up when...NO SPOILERS.

It was an amazing ride complete with rocking music, exciting editing, incredible acting and, for the first in a long time ... a completely fresh story. This ‘Kill Bill’ meets ‘INSERT ANY BADA** ANIME’, the feature film can only be categorized in its own unique genre.

Hence the birth of ‘ANI-Fi’, or ‘Anime/Film’, a genre of film which expertly blends all the staples, characters, arcs and beats of an anime, with those of a typical Hollywood film but in a completely original story/world.

"ZombieCON" does exactly that and with a cinematic style that looks more like a film shot by Roger Deakins than a sub-$100,000 budget indie. This inventive ‘ANI-Fi' feature changes the game.

Nominated for Best Director, Best Ensemble and Winner of The Indie Spirit Award with a working copy (the incomplete version of the film) at Orlando Film Festival two weekends ago, "ZombieCON", came into LA Comic Con and did not disappoint. Playing to a standing room only crowd of CON goers, some of which had been following the "ZombieCON" team for the last three years and others they met that CON weekend; the room was electric, all leaving with swag bags, and a truly one of a kind movie experience.

Completed by a 40 min Q/A with the Director and Actors following the screening; some excited fans stayed even longer getting gifted "ZombieCON" T-shirts signed and grabbing selfies with these new stars, until building staff had to usher everyone out for closing.

In the end, the inevitable birth of this genre, ’ANI-Fi’, was delivered exactly as it should be. To an excited crowd of cosplayers, comic, pop culture and anime enthusiasts, playing primetime at the celebrated, 90K+ attended, Los Angeles Comic CON, complete with friends and fans old and new.

Check out more about "ZombieCON", Cosplayers stuck in a zombie apocalypse of anime proportions at and be on the lookout for this groundbreaking ‘ANI-Fi’ film.

Information on future screenings and festival news can be found on all social media outlets: @zombieconmovie"


Cam Soundtrack Release Details: "What does it sound like when a computer dreams, and what does it sound like when it has a nightmare?" That was the central question director Daniel Goldhaber and composer Gavin Brivik explored for the CAM score. "We wanted it to begin in a dreamy, synthy, girl pop, fairytale-like dreamworld and then descend into a percussive, distorted, digital nightmare. We wanted this score to be a collage of sound, ranging from the organic instruments that represent the real world, to the synthesized sounds of our protagonists' online reality. We spent months looking for new sounds to reflect the uniqueness of this world.

Acting as a single sonic landscape, the score incorporates elements from Michael Bucuzzo's sound design to create a totally immersive, uniform audio architecture. Just as CAM questions where realities collide, Brivik's captivating score blurs musical boundaries immersing you completely into Alice's world.

ABOUT THE COMPOSER: Gavin Brivik is a film composer best known for his work on the 90th Academy Award Nominated, 2018 Student BAFTA Winning and 2018 Student Academy Award Gold Medal winning film My Nephew Emmett. Gavin is featured as one of the American Society of Composers and Publishers' "Film Composers to Watch," winner of the 2017 World Soundtrack Award for Best Composition by a Young International Composer, the recipient of the ASCAP Jimmy Van Heuson Film Composer Award, honored with the distinguished Elmer Bernstein Film Scoring Award, and with the prestigious Alan Menken Composer Award. Website:

ABOUT LAKESHORE RECORDS: LAKESHORE RECORDS is the independent music division of Lakeshore Entertainment, producers of such films as The Age of Adaline, The Lincoln Lawyer, Million Dollar Baby, The Ugly Truth, and The Underworld franchise. Website:

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  • Tamika Jones
    About the Author - Tamika Jones

    Tamika hails from North Beach, Maryland, a tiny town inches from the Chesapeake Bay.She knew she wanted to be an actor after reciting a soliloquy by Sojourner Truth in front of her entire fifth grade class. Since then, she's appeared in over 20 film and television projects. In addition to acting, Tamika is the Indie Spotlight manager for Daily Dead, where she brings readers news on independent horror projects every weekend.

    The first horror film Tamika watched was Child's Play. Being eight years old at the time, she remembers being so scared when Chucky came to life that she projectile vomited. It's tough for her to choose only one movie as her favorite horror film, so she picked two: Nosferatu and The Stepford Wives (1975).

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