As promised, Fantaspoa 2019 has announced the second wave of films, and we are here to share the list of screenings with our readers, along with the exciting news that the legendary Roger Corman will be in attendance as a special guest. Also in today's Horror Highlights: Universal and DeviantArt's "Heroes vs. Villains" Glass contest winners and DeviantArt's interview with M. Night Shyamalan, as well as a trailer for The Young Cannibals.

Fantaspoa 2019 Announces Second Wave of Films, Roger Corman to Attend: "Brazil's Fantaspoa, the largest genre film festival in Latin America, is proud to reveal the second wave of films selected for their upcoming fifteenth edition, running from May 16th through June 2nd. The celebrated genre film fest, which takes place annually in Porto Alegre will announce their full line-up, consisting of more than 100 films, on the first week of May.

The 2019 edition of the festival will pay an homage to three icons of genre cinema: screenwriter Larry Wilson (Tales from the Crypt, The Addams Family, and Beetlejuice), Swedish exploitation star Christina Lindberg (Sex & Fury, Thriller: A Cruel Picture), and likely the most influential producer in cinema history, Roger Corman. Both Wilson and Corman will present masterclasses during the festival.

Apart from announcing its full short film slate, another eighteen features have been announced today, including five animated features, which will play in an exclusive new competition.

Newly-announced attending filmmakers include Roger Corman, Julie Corman, Christina Lindberg, Rickard Gramfors, Larry Wilson, Flavio Pedota, Steffen Hacker, Lionel Dietsche, and Esther Maaß.

Previously-announced attending filmmakers include Fernando Alle, Daniel-Konrad Cooper, Daniel de La Vega, Jordan Downey, Kapel Furman, Rob Grant, Konstantinos Koutsoliotas, Josh Lobo, Justin McConell, Juan Francisco Otaño, Julian Richards, Demian Rugna, Elizabeth Schuch, Koldo Serra, Kevin Stewart, Drew Thomas, and JJ Weber.

The second round of fantastic features selected for Fantaspoa 2019 are:

Black Circle (Adrián García Bogliano, Sweden, Mexico, U.S., Finland, Italy) – Brazilian Premiere

Bloodline (Henry Jacobson, U.S.) – Latin American Premiere

Book of Monsters (Stewart Sparke, U.K.) – Latin American Premiere

Brama - The Gateway (Volodymyr Tykhyy, Ukraine) – Latin American Premiere

La Casa Lobo (Joaquín Cociña, Cristóbal León, Chile, Germany) – Regional Premiere

Commando Ninja (Benjamin Combes, France) – Latin American Premiere

Ende Neu (Leonel Dietsche, Germany) – International Premiere

Infeccion (Flavio Pedota, Venezuela) – Brazilian Premiere

Ingenium (Steffen Hacker, Germany) – Latin American Premiere

Is That You? (Rudy Riverón Sánchez, Cuba, UK) – Latin American Premiere

Kûkai - Legend of the Demon Cat (Kaige Chang, China, Japan) – Latin American Premiere

Lajka (Aurel Klimt, Czech Republic) – Regional Premiere

The Last Warrior (Dmitriy Dyachenko, Rusia) – Brazilian Premiere

Lost in Apocalypse (Sky Wang, China, U.S.) – Brazilian Premiere

S He (Shengwei Zhou, China) – Latin American Premiere

Seder-Masochism (Nina Paley, U.S.) – Latin American Premiere

Violence Voyager (Ujicha, Japan) – Brazilian Premiere

The Whistler (Gisberg Bermudez, Venezuela, Mexico, U.S.) – Brazilian Premiere

International Short Films

Acide (Just Philippot, France)

Anacronte (Raúl Koler, Emiliano Sette, Argentina)

Bailaora (Rubin Stein, Spain)

Bavure (Donato Sansone, France)

Le Blizzard (Alvaro Rodriguez, Andorra)

A Chest of Drawers (Maxwell Nalevansky, U.S.)

La Couleur de Tes Lèvres (Annick Blanc, Canada)

Diversion (Mathieu Mégemont, France)

Dragan's Pack (Riccardo Bernasconi and Francesca Reverdito, Sweden)

Flotando (Frankie De Leonardis, Spain)

Fuse (Shadi Adib, Germany)

Glitch (Bijiao Liu, U.S.)

Helsinki Mansplaining Massacre (Ilja Rautsi, Finland)

Here There Be Monsters (Drew Macdonald Australia)

Imaginario (SAM, Spain)

The Levers (Boyoung Kim, South Korea)

L'ombra Della Sposa (Alessandra Pescetta Italy)

Lucienne Eats a Car (Geordy Couturiau, France)

La Noria (Carlos Baena, Spain)

Rain Catcher (Michele Fiascaris, U.K.)

Robot Will Protect You (Nicola Piovesan, Estonia)

Selfies (Claudius Gentinetta Sweden)

Soy Una Tumba (Khris Cembe, Spain)

Tangle (Malihe Ghloamzadeh, Iran)

La Tinque Sacrée (Thomas Rodrigue, Canada)

Tote Tiere (David Oesch & Remo Rickenbacher, Sweden)

Tu Último Día En La Tierra (Marc Martínez Jordán, Spain)

The Visitor (Justin Olstein, Germany)

Widdershins (Simon P Biggs, U.K.)

Wild Love (Paul Autric, Quentin Camus, Léa Georges, Maryka Laudet, Zoé Sottiaux, Corentin Yvergniaux, France)

Brazilian Short Films

Almofada de Penas (Joseph Specker Nys)

A Caixa (Renata Jesion)

Cova Humana (Joel Caetano)

Dead Teenager Séance (Dante Vescio and Rodrigo Gasparini)

O Homem na Caixa (Ale Borges, Alvaro Furloni, Guilherme Gehr)

Médico de Monstro (Gustavo Teixeira)

Oni (Diogo Hayashi)

Pop Ritual (Mozart Freire)

Who’s That Man Inside My House? (Lucas Reis)

Sorriso de Felícia (Klaus Hastenreiter)

Tommy Brilho (Sávio Fernandes)

Uterus (Pedro Antoniutti)."


Check Out Universal and DeviantArt's "Heroes vs. Villains" Contest Winners and M. Night Shyamalan Interview: "With the Digital, 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD release of Glass now available, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has partnered with the online art community, Deviant Art, to host the “Heroes vs. Villains” art contest judged by M. Night Shyamalan.

The contest asked artists to create their very own characters from M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable/Split/Glass universe – from their look to their backstory and abilities -- and fit them into this grounded superhero world in a way that would feel true to the spirit of the franchise. These new characters represent as the future of the world established by Glass, with Shyamalan himself determining the best fan-made heroes and villains of the bunch.

To support the contest, Glass director M. Night Shyamalan also participated in an interview to discuss the film and his overall creative process.

The "Heroes vs Villains" contest concluded with the selection of some truly notable winners. If you would like to see the winning entries in the Glass “Heroes vs. Villains” contest, you can check them out here.

Glass is now available on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD, and VOD."


Watch the Trailer for The Young Cannibals: "Devilworks drops poster and trailer for UK Supernatural Horror ‘The Young Cannibals’ from writer/director duo Kris Carr and Sam Fowler.

Starring Megan Purvis and Hannah Louise Howell, this fast-paced horror follows a group of friends as they arrive at a secluded campsite, where they plan on spending a relaxing weekend by the lake. What they didn’t plan on, was being tricked into eating burgers made of human flesh. This act summons an unrelenting supernatural creature, which hunts them down one by one.

The film was produced by Charlie Pride for Bad Taste Pictures.

Devilworks is representing Worldwide rights and will start to sell at the upcoming Cannes."

  • Tamika Jones
    About the Author - Tamika Jones

    Tamika hails from North Beach, Maryland, a tiny town inches from the Chesapeake Bay.She knew she wanted to be an actor after reciting a soliloquy by Sojourner Truth in front of her entire fifth grade class. Since then, she's appeared in over 20 film and television projects. In addition to acting, Tamika is the Indie Spotlight manager for Daily Dead, where she brings readers news on independent horror projects every weekend.

    The first horror film Tamika watched was Child's Play. Being eight years old at the time, she remembers being so scared when Chucky came to life that she projectile vomited. It's tough for her to choose only one movie as her favorite horror film, so she picked two: Nosferatu and The Stepford Wives (1975).

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