Kristian Hanson is back with impressions of two haunted attractions in the Los Angeles area, along with the recent 40th Anniversary Blu-ray release of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: 

Hollywood Sports Complex: Hollywood Sports complex is a place that is known for their air soft courses and now, their horror themed mazes. This was an event I was able to attend on two different occasions and it has only gotten better. What makes this place so great you might be asking? The simple answer is guns. No not real life rifles, but airsoft weapons, along with paintball guns.

This year we were able to try out the VENOM maze, and besides a few minor tweaks, it is the same maze as it was last year. At some parks this would be a downer, but not in this particular instance. This maze is a long one, and has many surprises that brought back memories last year of our friends screaming as they went into a ravenous cave of spiders and one creepy monster that popped up.

VENOM is awesome, but as stated above the coolest part is the mazes where you get to shoot brain thirsting zombies as they approach you.  From the moment you are placed inside of a tent you feel the energy of fun that is about to be placed upon you. Once the video is over they shuttle you into an area as they place goggles and a vest on you, for safety reasons of course. All of this is happening as the employees are dressed in military garb and preparing you for the fight of your life. When you are placed inside that is when the zombies come to life and you have to shoot your way out to freedom on the other side. From going into buildings, to open areas littered with cars, this is probably the most fun maze that I have had the opportunity of going through.

The other mazes were not prepared for press night yet, but I can guarantee they are just as much fun as VENOM and the air soft maze. Definitely worth your time to get some friends together and go to Hollywood Sports Complex, and as usual, Daily Dead would like to thank HSC for having us once again this year and I will be going back to run amuck around the other mazes and shoot some more zombies.


Knott's Scary Farm: Since moving to California in 2008 Knott’s Scary Farm has been a must see event for myself and later my wife.  Yes, Universal Studios may have The Walking Dead mazes but there is something about the stage show “THE HANGING” and the fact they have Elvira putting on a show that is just nostalgic to me.

This year I had the privilege of going on opening night and once again, the mazes did not disappoint. The one new maze that was created this year is a laser tag type maze called INFECTED. The maze was fun, but the overall scare actors, along with the shows are the true reason I go back every year. From clowns, goblins and the witch, the entire park is just a fun place to experience, especially since their most famous rides are open to enjoy throughout the night.

You cannot go wrong at Knott’s Berry Farm with the Trick or Treat Maze, Pinocchio, Nevermore and so many others. Elvira “The Mistress of the Dark” is as sweet and funny as she ever has been, and the HANGING show is a yearly tradition to see and should not be missed.  Thank you to Knott’s Berry Farm for being kind to Daily Dead and the rest of the press members, as the food was amazing and prepared us for a night of fun, thrills and blood curdling screams!


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Blu-ray: When the sound of a camera flash are heard in a movie trailer, it instantly brings to mind something horrific. A deep voice speaks of a horrifying event that happened in a small town in Texas, and it is finally topped off with the revving of a Chainsaw.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a film that has brought fear and tears to its viewers for 40 years, changed the landscape of horror cinema forever, and gave birth to a horror icon. With the 40th anniversary Blu-ray being released, many were excited to find out how it turned out.

Starting with the film itself, I can honestly state they did a magnificent job. The transfer is clean and beautiful, and the sound is crisp. I can go into a review of the film, but why would I? Everyone reading this review has probably seen the movie countless times and knows just how great and iconic the film is. The Blu-Ray transfer is very well done, and even with the clarity of the transfer, it does not take away from the grungy look of how it originally was. Overall, this was a great transfer.

When it comes to the special features, a lot of the features were taken from previous releases. However, that being said, I love the fact that they brought them in and added them to this release. I loved seeing what happened during the making of the film, and the interviews with the cast. I loved seeing Gunnar go back to the house and his visit of the overall set and how he feels all these years later. This definitely is a must own for the Texas Chainsaw family as it is another piece of history, from a movie that was banned in foreign countries due to the sheer craziness that occurred within that lens.

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