Joining the Queen of the Dead and Death's Siren, Xiall, The Great Osteomancer is the latest addition to Sideshow Collectibles' growing line of Court of the Dead Premium Format Figures. After spending a couple of weeks with her thanks to Sideshow sending one my way, I must say that she’s a magnificent addition to any horror collection.

In the world of Sideshow's Court of the Dead, Xiall is the leader of the Bone faction, and it's said that she "envisions a single path that will ensure the Underworld’s absolute protection against any and all celestial threats." In contrast to the impulsive Flesh faction and the ever-wandering Spirit followers, Xiall enforces ancient traditions with rigid discipline and a sturdy determination to uphold the high standards upheld by Death’s most devoted children. Despite their differences, the factions are somewhat united by their powerful abilities. A master of osteomancy, Xiall’s vast knowledge and control of science allows her to create massive objects—or destroy them—using a sophisticated form of alchemy.

As unique as her abilities are, Xiall’s appearance also makes her stand out. As you unbox her, there are many delicate additions to her outfit that you can put together yourself to add a little of your own personal flare to Xiall’s attire. I like this feature because the longer you have her, the more you can change her appearance, or maybe even mess with your friends or family, adding even more fun to the experience of having Xiall in your collection. It was fun to open all the pieces in the package and then style Xiall in different ways to find the perfect look for The Great Osteomancer.

As I mentioned, there are a number of delicate pieces to add to Xiall’s imposing figure, including regal clothing, armor, jewelry, her skull staff, and even a blue flame that allows her to tap into ancient knowledge of the Underworld. To see the numerous ways you can display The Great Osteomancer, I’d recommend watching Sideshow’s assembly video (see below).

If you own other Premium Format Figures from Sideshow Collectibles, the size is about what you’d expect, with Xiall standing 26 inches, her bone-sturdy frame featuring an 8-inch width and 13-inch length. Continuing Sideshow Collectibles’ push for unique bases for their figures, The Great Osteomancer stands atop a base that has the look of handsomely aged wood, with an opening in the middle revealing a luminescent blue pool that is practically pulsating with the power of Xiall. A skull sits in the corner, its secrets surely known only by the great leader of the Bone faction.

Composed of high-quality polystone, PVC, and metal, creating Xiall was a team effort, and credit is due to Amilcar Fong (design), Pablo Viggiano (sculpt), Chadwick Andersen (mold and cast), Kat Sapene (paint), and Greg Mowry (costume fabrication) for putting together such a beautiful collectible.

Xiall’s eye-popping appearance was meticulously sculpted by the talented team of artists, and you can see that they took much care in designing this figure for Sideshow’s Court of the Dead. The attention to detail in making Xiall anatomically correct and believable as a dominating character in the world she inhabits has been executed with precision. You can tell that the creators of Xiall took a lot of time and patience to perfect her.

This is a great item for anyone to add to their horror collection. Whether you are just starting your collection or are an experienced collector, she is something to be admired, her sophisticated and powerful stance something to truly be showcased. It is like she is romancing you to the dark side, and you cannot help but join her.

Her stature is quite perfect for the leader of the Bone faction, and her face is graceful yet daunting. You can tell that she is not one to be messed with. From her skull staff to her flowing cape, she is quite the sculpture, and as a lover of strong, powerful women, I think she is a masterpiece! Sideshow has truly outdone themselves with this Premium Format Figure and I look forward to many more amazing creations to come. To learn more about Xiall, The Great Osteomance, visit Sideshow Collectibles and check out our photo gallery below.

Photos by Jordan Smith /Daily Dead:

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