Telltale delivers an entertaining and emotionally gratifying setup in the first episode of the three-part miniseries The Walking Dead: Michonne. Fans of the comic book series will notice that this story takes place between issues #126 and #139 and finds our brave heroine without her familiar group of friends and battling some personal demons on her own, as well as dealing with the everyday dangers of the flesh-eating apocalypse.

The first decision players have to make raises the personal and philosophical stakes Michonne will come to face, and though the opening combat doesn't reinvent what Telltale has established in the past, the quick-time action sequences that Telltale fans have come to expect offers suspenseful thrills and exciting machete-wielding walker executions. In Too Deep might not have many new in-game mechanics or plot innovation, but where this episode truly succeeds is in the engaging personal connection I found with Michonne, which kept me invested and interested in every dilemma she came to face.

In Too Deep's narrative treads familiar ground on the surface as Michonne meets a band of shipmate survivors scavenging for supplies under the guidance of Pete, an optimist who retains hope of finding more people among the walker-infested wastelands. Predictably, a radio distress signal leads them into the kind of humanity that makes bloodthirsty walkers seem less of a threat, but the game’s focus on Michonne and her personal stakes kept me caring about her story even when the plot stumbled and failed to surprise. The difficult choices I had to make and the way every character interaction revealed something important about Michonne makes every positive encounter or vicious threat personally satisfying. Although the combat action isn't anything new, the quick-time walker-slashing carnage is visually pleasing and thrilling to engage in.

In Too Deep kept me entertained from start to finish thanks to a compelling and complex character that had me emotionally invested through every interaction and obstacle that came her way. Telltale has provided a good start to a promising story that's well worth your time. This first episode will likely please dedicated fans of the franchise and those just looking for a fun adventure with a fantastic heroine who's intelligent, complex and kicks some serious ass. Telltale has always been good at offering fun cameos and hidden Easter Eggs to please the fans and while nothing jumped out at me in this episode, I wouldn't rule out seeing some surprises in the installments to come. I look forward to seeing which direction the next episode takes Michonne and hope that Telltale raises the stakes both within her and around her.

Game Score: 4/5

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