As part of celebrating 75 Years of Batman, Assault on Arkham is primed to bring some of Batman's most well-known villains into the spotlight. We were lucky enough to sit down with many of the folks responsible for bringing this newest animated feature to life and they've given us a glimpse into what we can expect to see next month.

First, if you weren't aware this Batman film will take place in the same Bat-Universe as the stellar Rocksteady video games. Assault on Arkham unfolds between the end of Arkham Origins and the beginning of Arkham Asylum. They wouldn't go into specifics of where in that time period it does fall, but it is certain that fan-favorite Kevin Conroy has returned to voice the Caped Crusader. In previous interviews about Arkham Origins, the developers stated that Kevin Conroy not being the voice of Batman in that game was to push home the idea that this was a much younger, newer Batman. So, it is safe to assume that this story will take place closer to the events of Arkham Asylum, and may even explain why we see Joker entering the Asylum in the opening scenes.

Kevin Conroy will be joined by the likes of Neal McDonough as Deathstroke, Hynden Walch as Harley Quinn, Mathew Gray Gulber as the Riddler, Troy Baker as the Joker, John Dimaggio as King Shark, and C.C.H. Pounder reprising her role as Amanda Waller.

The film's story will follow the creation of Team X, also known as the Suicide Squad, a group of the world's most notorious villains forced to work together by Amanda Waller. The tale will focus on team leader Deathstroke breaking into Arkham Prison to obtain top-secret information from the Riddler. Bickering and infighting are sure to happen between the aggressive teammates, leading up to an eventual confrontation with the Dark Knight and the Prince of Crime, the Joker.

When asked about the connections to the video games, Supervising Producer James Tucker and  Writer Heath Corson both told us it was considered canon to the game universe. Rocksteady gave them hard set guidelines on who could be included in this version of the Suicide Squad, why they would be there, and how their design and even how their fighting abilities would work within the Arkham Universe. These same considerations were brought to Batman, and they promised that we'll be seeing some of the impressive combat that we've grown accustomed to in the game series brought to the screen.

Assault on Arkham is primed to be a exhilarating heist tale in the style of Guy Richie films, giving us a perspective of Gotham unlike anything we've seen brought to the animated films of DC. You'll be able to pick it up on DVD, Blu-Ray, or Digital Download starting on August 12th.

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