What is our stance on horror remakes? What's our favorite Dracula movie? What do we think of ’90s horror? Over the past few months, our Corpse Club mailbox has been overflowing with questions such as these from loyal listeners like you, and on a new episode of Daily Dead's podcast, we take the time to catch up on our macabre mail, leading to plenty of horror-themed discussions and debates among our co-hosts.

On a special episode of Corpse Club, co-hosts Heather Wixson, Scott Drebit, Derek Anderson, and Jonathan James open up the mailbag and answer an eclectic set of questions sent in by listeners. A wide range of topics are discussed and debated, including remakes, Stuart Gordon's From Beyond, ’90s horror, "guilty pleasure" horror movies, unforgettable practical effects, and more! So sit back, relax, and listen as the Corpse Club co-hosts catch up on their mail from listeners like you!

You can listen to the 36th episode of Corpse Club right now on iTunes, Google Play, iHeartRadioSoundCloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, and look for our next episode to be summoned soon!

As a special treat for Daily Dead readers, we officially launched our Corpse Club website and memberships. Not only can you view past episodes, but you can also sign up to be an official Corpse Club member to enjoy a wide range of rewards, including a shirt and pin that are to die for, access to future bonus content, the ability to suggest an episode topic, and more!

Missed out on our previous 35 episodes? The cemetery gate is always open. Come in (if you dare) and listen now!

Our Episode 36 Online Player:

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