We celebrate Friday the 13th by talking about some of our favorite unlucky characters in horror movies on this episode of Corpse Club!

Let's face it, if you're a character in a horror movie, you likely don't have it easy, but there are some characters who take the term "unlucky" to a whole other level. Whether it's the way they die, the emotional trauma they experience along the way, or even what they have to live with if they do survive, some characters in horror films don't need it to be Friday the 13th on the calendar to experience terrifying levels of bad luck.

On this episode of Daily Dead's official podcast, Corpse Club co-hosts Scott Drebit, Tamika Jones, Bryan Christopher, Derek Anderson, and Jonathan James discuss some of the unluckiest characters in horror movie history. From Larry Cotton in Hellraiser and Ellen Ripley in the Alien franchise to Sarah Carter in The Descent and Randy Meeks in Scream 2, we celebrate Friday the 13th by taking a look at some of our favorite unlucky horror movie characters with a spoiler-filled discussion on just what it is that makes them so unfortunate in their respective films.

So, whether you lose sleep if a black cat crosses your path, or you don't mind stepping on every sidewalk crack you can find, sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode of Corpse Club... just maybe grab a good luck charm first!

You can listen to the new episode of Corpse Club right now on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, TuneIn, and SoundCloud.

As a special treat for Daily Dead readers, we have officially launched our Corpse Club website and memberships. Not only can you view past episodes, but you can also sign up to be an official Corpse Club member to enjoy a wide range of rewards, including a shirt and pin that are to die for, access to bonus content, and the ability to suggest an episode topic!

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