’Tis the season for beachside bonfires, endless afternoon naps, and trips to the air-conditioned confines of the local theater, making this the perfect time of year for the Corpse Club to discuss some of their favorite summer movie memories. So pack your brightest flashlight, your comfiest sleeping bag, and some of your favorite sugary snacks, and join us for a nostalgic cinematic campout under the stars.

Titled "Summer Movie Memories," episode 7 of Corpse Club features co-hosts Heather Wixson, Patrick Bromley, Scott Drebit, and Derek Anderson. This time around, the ghoulish gang reflect on movies they fondly associate with summer, including scary stays at Crystal Lake, the alien invasion of Independence Day, a deadly study session in Summer School, and much more.

Upcoming episodes of Corpse Club will continue to see a shakeup of the host lineup and format, featuring additional members of the Daily Dead team, as well as special guests from all corners of the horror entertainment world. This is the beginning of a new era for Daily Dead, and we couldn't be more excited to share Corpse Club with our online community of passionate horror lovers!

You can listen to our seventh episode right now on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, and look for our next episode to emerge from the deep soon!

Missed out on our first six episodes? The cemetery gate is always open. Come in (if you dare) and listen now.

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