When the end of each summer approaches, it's time to sharpen your pencils, polish your apples, and make sure you stay on the good side of any telekinetic classmates. And even if you haven't had study hall since The Breakfast Club first danced on the big screen, the dawn of every school year might still make you smile or shudder with recollections of cafeteria conversations, passionate pep rallies, and your favorite horror films set in the halls of high school, a subject we take notes on in a new episode of the Corpse Club podcast.

In episode 14 of Corpse Club, titled "High School Horror Films," co-hosts Patrick Bromley, Heather Wixson, Scott Drebit, and Derek Anderson skip back-to-school shopping and instead prepare for another year of detention by looking back at some of their favorite high school horror films, including Carrie (1976), Scream, The FacultyBuffy the Vampire Slayer (1992), Disturbing Behavior, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, Dance of the Dead, and many more. The ghoulish gang also discuss how school-centric scary movies approach the pubescent pains of being a teenager, which horror movie characters they would like to spend detention with, and they assign some horror-themed homework with a wide range of recommendations that are sure to help you score scary high marks on your next pop quiz.

So, come into the classroom, find a seat, and turn your attention to the chalkboard while you enjoy another episode of Corpse Club... just ignore those creepy sounds coming from the desks in the back row.

You can listen to our fourteenth episode of Corpse Club right now on iTunesGoogle PlayiHeart RadioSoundCloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, and look for our next episode to escape from the sanitarium soon!

Missed out on our first thirteen episodes? The cemetery gate is always open. Come in (if you dare) and listen now.

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