He forever changed the landscape of horror when he introduced viewers to the cannibalistic Sawyer family in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, but Tobe Hooper's filmmaking career took him far beyond that frightening farmhouse to show viewers that horrors could also be found in space, in sideshow attractions, and even within the suburbs. Like many cinema lovers, the Daily Dead team was deeply saddened by the news of Hooper's passing at the age of 74, and to pay tribute to the fearless filmmaker, we reflect on his eclectic career on the latest episode of our podcast.

In episode 15 of Corpse Club, co-hosts Heather Wixson, Patrick Bromley, Scott Drebit, Derek Anderson, and Jonathan James discuss the legacy of Tobe Hooper, including our favorite movies by the visionary filmmaker, how he forever changed the horror genre with The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, his bold choices as a director in the 1980s, and what we'll miss the most about his unique approach to cinematic storytelling.

You can listen to our fifteenth episode right now on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn, and look for our next episode to be summoned soon!

Missed out on our first fourteen episodes? The cemetery gate is always open. Come in (if you dare) and listen now.

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