Sony Pictures has revealed that Patton Oswalt, Bob Odenkirk and Ian Roberts will join genre-frenzy movie The Kitchen Sink, as the full cast begins to take shape.

Oswalt, Odenkirk and Roberts will star in The Kitchen Sink, in what is being described by Deadline as a "genre mash-up" of zombies, vampires and aliens. The project that has been in the works for quite some time, with Robbie Pickering directing a script from Oren Uziel, and Ron Schmidt and Jonah Hill on board as executive producers. Matt Tolmach is producing the movie and had this to say about The Kitchen Sink back in 2011 (from The Hollywood Reporter):

“It’s more in the spirit of The Breakfast Club than anything, but you get an idea of the title in an early scene where two kids are running from zombies. Those zombies suddenly are attacked by vampires. Just when they are all facing off, there’s a bright light overhead. You realize the aliens have landed and these groups have to band together, suppress the urge to kill each other, and it becomes thematically the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That makes it different than your usual zombie, vampire, or alien movie.”

Tolmach adds:

Kitchen Sink has all the chaos and carnage of a classic genre movie, but at its heart it’s a comedy about three kids just trying to survive the pain and awkwardness of high school, where every day feels apocalyptic.”

Oswalt, Odenkirk and Roberts join Mackenzie Davis, Nicholas Braun, Joan Cusack, Vanessa Hudgens, and Denis Leary. *This story was submitted by Jemma George

Source: Deadline
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