Back in 2017, Guillermo del Toro revealed that his DreamWorks Animation series Trollhunters was going to expand into a trilogy known as Tales of Arcadia, with the other two series in the trilogy titled 3Below and Wizards. A little more than one year later, the trailer for 3Below: Tales of Arcadia has now been revealed ahead of its December 21st premiere on Netflix, showcasing a comedic and action-packed take on alien visitors from beyond the stars.
Below, you can watch the official trailer for 3Below: Tales of Arcadia, which was exclusively unveiled on Collider. According to Collider, all 13 episodes of the show's first season will premiere on Netflix on December 21st.
"3Below is the story of a teenage girl, a Latino boy, and an old man who just happen to be aliens. With their home planet torn apart by Civil War, Princess Aja Tarron and Prince Krel Tarron will find themselves marooned on the most backwater, primitive world in the galaxy: Earth. The three take on human guises to conceal their alien form as they search for a safe passage back to their home planet, but while searching, they develop a real affection for Earth and its inhabitants. This series ultimately asks the simple yet complex question: 'What is home?'"