In Monsters: Dark Continent, the sequel to director Gareth Edwards' 2010 feature film debut Monsters, the soldiers huddled inside a Humvee have a lot to worry about. Not only does their armored vehicle need to withstand bullets and RPGs, it also needs to survive being battered by a giant tentacled extraterrestrial creature.
In the sands of the Middle East, the US military is locked in a fierce battle with aliens. So that you can get a glimpse of how intense this tour of duty is, we have the official trailer for Monsters: Dark Continent for you to watch:
Presented by Vertigo Films, Monsters: Dark Continent sees Gareth Edwards serving as executive producer, with Tom Green (TV's Misfits) directing. Johnny Harris (The Last Days on Mars) stars alongside Sam Keeley (What Richard Did) and Joe Dempsie (Game Of Thrones):
"Infected zones have spread worldwide and the army does battle with 'Giant Sand Bugs' in this action-packed sequel to Monsters."