Grindhouse Releasing has announced that Corruption will soon be available for the first time in the US on Blu-ray and DVD. The late 60's British horror Corruption, starring Peter Cushing, is set for an October release as part of a 2-disc set that comes with additional bonus features. The film features Cushing as a doctor who goes to extreme lengths to restore his wife's beautiful face after she is left disfigured by burns:

"Grindhouse Releasing is proud to present the FIRST-EVER U.S. home video release of the wildest, sickest and sleaziest swinging-sixties British horror thriller -CORRUPTION. The legendary Peter Cushing stars as a surgeon driven to murder and madness as he attempts to restore the beauty of his hideously disfigured fashion model wife. Co-starring Sue Lloyd and Hammer Horror beauty Kate O'Mara (THE VAMPIRE LOVERS). This special edition contains shocking scenes of GORE and NUDITY previously deemed too strong for American audiences."

Bonus Features:

  • 2 DISC SET - Deluxe dual layer Blu-ray Edition + DVD combo
  • Spectacular new hi-definition digital restoration of the original uncensored version - PLUS - the "International Version" of the movie with bloody violence and nudity presented for the very first time in America-Interviews with stars Wendy Varnals, Billy Murray, Jan Waters and Peter Cushing
  • Audio commentary by acclaimed UK horror journalist Jonathan Rigby and Peter Cushing biographer David Miller
  • Isolated music and effects track
  • Liner notes by Allan Bryce, editor of the celebrated British horror magazine THE DARK SIDE
  • Extensive still galleries, trailers, TV spots and radio spots
  • The original annotated director's shooting script and production notes
  • Shocking reversible cover with original art by notorious illustrator Rick Melton
  • Grindhouse Releasing previews of coming attractions

Corruption is due to be released as a Blu-ray/DVD set on October 10th and is priced at $19.99. Available for pre-order via Diabolik. *This story comes from Jemma George.

Source: Diabolik
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