I watch a lot of horror films, but movies and television shows about possessions are what really scare and intrigue me. Evil, a series by Michelle and Robert King, not only discusses the topic of possessions, but also explores the matters of grief and corruption. After three successful seasons, the creators return with season 4, which is just as solid and absorbing as the chapters before. The new installment continues to explore the sins of humanity while giving the characters new paths to venture to.

Season 3 [Spoiler Warning] ended with a shocking revelation: Leeland (Michael Emerson) is having Kristen's biological baby with a surrogate, who’s supposed to be a new Antichrist. As the new season commences, Kristen (Katja Herbers) tries to process the news, David (Mike Colter) continues to secretly work for the Vatican, and Ben (Aasif Mandvi) unexpectedly encounters apparitions that he seeks to approach scientifically. Meanwhile, Leeland is still manipulating Andy (Patrick Brammall), while Sheryl (Christine Lahti) continues to work for the literal Devil. Is it too much? Get ready for Season 4.

Everything resumes up where we left off, with characters venturing into new territories and solving new, more complex and bizarre cases. Each of the four episodes available for review are equally fascinating. Season 4, like previous seasons, includes the theme in its episode titles. For the most recent installment, the writers pose "how to" questions, for example, "How To Split an Atom'' or "How To Dance in Three Easy Steps". The group’s cases continue to shock. Prepare to be choked with grief, combat robot dogs, and solve new possession cases.

Despite the fact that Evil has a large cast of characters, all of them face their unique challenges, which the creators continue to highlight in season 4. The primary trio, at first, deals with their private issues separately, but the narrative later demonstrates that sometimes, it’s better to come together and help one another--even when dealing with personal matters. Herbers, Colter, and Mandvi repeatedly prove that they are unstoppable. Their characters' portrayals only get more complex, with their countless banters bringing light to their gloomy line of work.

Even though Kristen, Ben, and David are key characters, we're as invested in supporting characters, including Sheryl and Sister Andrea. Lahti delivers an outstanding performance as Kristen's mother, leaving us wondering if she’s genuinely working with the dark powers or simply wanting to safeguard her family and granddaughters. Martin, too, adds a lot of flair and sparkle as a fiery Sister with the ability to see demons. Additionally, the actors who play the Bouchards' daughters, Brooklyn Shuck, Skylar Gray, Maddy Crocco, and Dalya Knapp, provide beautiful and compassionate performances. Their characters continue to grow as they seek to discover their passions and calling. However, one thing remains constant: chatting over one another, which is one of the most endearing aspects of their personalities, showcasing their sisterly bond. 

Despite some humorous moments, Evil remains terrifying and thought-provoking. Season 4 introduces us to several new demons, while ensuring an even distribution of explainable and unexplainable events that the characters encounter. The series doesn’t take sides, but instead allows its characters and viewers to make their own decisions. Kristen, Ben, and David's characters reflect two perspectives, which is both intriguing and invigorating. Despite their differing perspectives and opinions, they talk and ponder their arguments without passing judgment on one another. 

With another season looking to be a sumptuous, terrifying feast, it's evident that Michelle and Robert King continue to have lots of excellent ideas for Evil's narrative and the characters. Season 4, like previous ones, will be a treat for enthusiasts of the genre and those interested in paranormal phenomena. Don’t miss it, or you will be haunted!

Score: 5/5

  • Zofia Wijaszka
    About the Author - Zofia Wijaszka

    Zofia resides in LA and is passionate about pop culture, television, and Stevie Nicks. She graduated from the University of Wroclaw, Poland with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Social Communication with Creative Writing. She is a staff writer for First Showing and contributing writer for Awards Watch, Nerdist, Film Inquiry, and more.

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