Directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, Alita: Battle Angel (based on the manga series Battle Angel Alita, aka Gunnm, by Yukito Kishiro) is coming to 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD on July 23rd (following a Movies Anywhere digital release on July 9th), and 20th Century Fox is making sure viewers are "battle ready" with several hours of behind-the-scenes special features.
Press Release: From Academy Award winners James Cameron & Jon Landau, and visionary filmmaker Robert Rodriguez comes ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, an epic adventure of hope and empowerment. When Alita (Rosa Salazar) awakens with no memory of who she is in a future world she does not recognize, she is taken in by Ido (Christoph Waltz), a compassionate doctor who realizes that somewhere in this discarded cyborg shell is the heart and soul of a young woman with an extraordinary past. When deadly and corrupt forces come after Alita, she discovers a clue to her past - she has unique fighting abilities that those in power will stop at nothing to control. If she can stay out of their grasp, she could be the key to saving her friends, her family and the world she's grown to love.
The action-packed film, also starring Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali, Ed Skrein, Jackie Earle Haley, and Keenan Johnson has scored $405 million at the global box-office.
Now with hours of extensive special features the home entertainment release takes you behind-the-scenes with James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez to see the journey from Manga to Screen and what it took to bring Alita to life. Plus, go deeper into the universe of ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, where you’ll learn about the past, the characters of the present, and the thrilling sport of Motorball.
Add ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL to your Digital collection on Movies Anywhere July 9 and buy it on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray™ 3D, Blu-ray™, and DVD July 23.
Alita: Battle Angel Blu-ray™ Special Features
- Alita’s World - get a deeper look into the world of Alita: Battle Angel with these dynamic motion comics.
- The Fall - a look back at the terrible war that almost destroyed two planets and set the stage for the cyborg warrior Alita’s return 300 years later.
- Iron City - Hugo gives a guided tour of the Iron City he knows, showing off its dark corners and broken-down neighborhoods.
- What it Means to be a Cyborg - hunter-warrior Zapan tracks his mark across Iron City while musing about what it means to be a cyborg.
- Rules of the Game - A high-octane “crash course” in Motorball, introducing the rules, game-play, and the top-ranked players and their arsenal of weapons.
- From Manga to Screen – a behind-the-scenes look into the origins of Yukito Kishiro’s beloved manga, “Gunnm,” and the long road to bring it to life on the big screen.
- Evolution of Alita - how Alita was brought to life, from the casting of Rosa Salazar, to performance capture, and final VFX by WETA Digital.
- Motorball - go inside Iron City’s favorite pastime, from the origins and evolution of the sport, to rules on how the game is played.
- James Cameron, Robert Rodriguez and cast Q&A moderated by Jon Landau.
- Robert Rodriguez’s 10 Minute Cooking School: Chocolate - a cooking lesson on how to make delicious chocolate like that seen in the movie.
- 2005 Art Compilation (2019) - James Cameron’s original compilation of concept art for the then-titled “Battle Angel: Alita,” presented with new voiceover and music.
- Scene Deconstruction - view three different stages of the production - the original live action performance capture, the animation stage, and the final Weta VFX from four different scenes
- I Don’t Even Know My Own Name
- Just an Insignificant Girl
- I’m a Warrior Aren’t I?
- Kansas Bar
Alita: Battle Angel DVD Special Features
- Alita’s World - get a deeper look into the world of Alita: Battle Angel with these dynamic motion comics.
- The Fall - a look back at the terrible war that almost destroyed two planets and set the stage for the cyborg warrior Alita’s return 300 years later.
- Iron City - Hugo gives a guided tour of the Iron City he knows, showing off its dark corners and broken-down neighborhoods.
- What it Means to be a Cyborg - hunter-warrior Zapan tracks his mark across Iron City while musing about what it means to be a cyborg.
- Rules of the Game - A high-octane “crash course” in Motorball, introducing the rules, game-play, and the top-ranked players and their arsenal of weapons.
- From Manga to Screen – a behind-the-scenes look into the origins of Yukito Kishiro’s beloved manga, “Gunnm,” and the long road to bring it to life on the big screen.
Alita: Battle Angel Digital Special Features
Alita’s World - get a deeper look into the world of Alita: Battle Angel with these dynamic motion comics.
- The Fall - a look back at the terrible war that almost destroyed two planets and set the stage for the cyborg warrior Alita’s return 300 years later.
- Iron City - Hugo gives a guided tour of the Iron City he knows, showing off its dark corners and broken-down neighborhoods.
- What it Means to be a Cyborg - hunter-warrior Zapan tracks his mark across Iron City while musing about what it means to be a cyborg.
- Rules of the Game - A high-octane “crash course” in Motorball, introducing the rules, game-play, and the top-ranked players and their arsenal of weapons.
From Manga to Screen – a behind-the-scenes look into the origins of Yukito Kishiro’s beloved manga, “Gunnm,” and the long road to bring it to life on the big screen.
Evolution of Alita - how Alita was brought to life, from the casting of Rosa Salazar, to performance capture, and final VFX by WETA Digital.
Motorball - go inside Iron City’s favorite pastime, from the origins and evolution of the sport, to rules on how the game is played.
Musical Themes - Composer Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL) offers an in-depth examination of the key musical themes of his Alita: Battle Angel score.
Robert Rodriguez’s 10 Minute Cooking School: Chocolate - a cooking lesson on how to make delicious chocolate like that seen in the movie.
Streets of Iron City - Director Robert Rodriguez gives a set tour of Iron City, with cast and crew insights, and a behind-the-scenes look at the city’s creation.
- Iron City
- Scrapyard
- Ido’s Clinic
- Cathedral
- Ambush Alley
- Vector’s Office and the Factory
- Kansas Bar
Allies and Adversaries - meet the allies and adversaries that Alita encounters in Iron City.
- Zapan
- Dr. Dyson Ido
- Grewishka
- Nyssiana
- Romo
- McTeague
- Vector
- Chiren
- Hugo
James Cameron, Robert Rodriguez and cast Q&A, moderated by producer Jon Landau.
Production Materials - explore the initial vision for the movie with art reels from 2005 and 2016.
- 2005 Art Compilation (2019) - James Cameron’s original compilation of concept art for the then-titled “Battle Angel: Alita,” presented with new voiceover and music.
- 2016 Art Reel - Lightstorm Entertainment and Robert Rodriguez’s 2016 compilation of concept art reflecting the design of the final film.
Scene Deconstruction - view three different stages of the production - the original live action performance capture, the animation stage, and the final Weta VFX cut from four different scenes
- I Don’t Even Know My Own Name
- Just an Insignificant Girl
- I’m a Warrior Aren’t I?
- Kansas Bar
Theatrical Trailers
Alita - Official Trailer
Alita - Battle Ready Trailer