I love horror anthology films and like many of you out there, Creepshow is the one I judge all others against. Released in 1982, George A. Romero and Stephen King's tribute to EC Comics is filled with talented actors, but Adrienne Barbeau really steals the show as Billie, a character that couldn't be more different from who Adrienne really is. As a Halloween treat for our readers, I caught up with her to talk about her role in "The Crate," convention appearances, her work as an author, and more.

How did you first hear about Creepshow and what were your impressions of Stephen King's screenplay?

My agents sent me the script along with an offer to play "just call me Billie - everyone does". I read it and thought, oh no, this is way too bloody for me. At that time, I think the only horror film I'd ever seen was Halloween (not even Psycho) and I really didn't get it. I was married to John Carpenter at the time and he told me I was nuts to pass up an opportunity to work with George, a true master of horror. I called Tom Atkins, a very close friend of mine who had already been cast in the film and who knew George and loved him. "Tommy," I said, "I don't think I can do this. It's so gory and violent and bloody." And Tommy set me straight. "Oh Adie," he said, "it's going to be very stylized, very comic book in its approach. Don't worry about the blood and gore, you've got to do it, it's going to be great fun." So I did.

Wilma Northrup is so different from many of your other roles and you personally. What did you use for inspiration and how did George A. Romero work with you to bring Wilma Northrup to life?

I put my trust in George. Every time he said I could go bigger, I went bigger. I think the reason Billy works is because I understood where her anger and bitchy disposition came from; she's deeply disappointed in the way her life turned out. No one thinks of herself as a bitch. You can't just 'play' bitchiness or nastiness, it's dishonest. One of the other differences between us is that I don't drink. I never have. Don't like the taste of alcohol. So I've never been drunk. And I really don't know what I used for inspiration for that.

You and Hal Holbrook had such great on-screen chemistry in Creepshow and it really sold their rocky relationship. What was it like working with him on set?

When Hal walked into the rehearsal hall the first day in his cowboy boots, I knew I was going to love working with him. Both he and Fritz were the best.

Tom Savini's now-iconic crate monster must have been quite a sight to see in person. Can you talk about the filming of Wilma's death scene?

I honestly don't remember if "Fluffy" was what passed for an animatronic in those days or a guy in a suit. People always ask me and I always make a mental note to ask Tom the next time I see him, and I never do.

Thanks to Blu-ray and VOD, movies like Creepshow, The Fog, and Swamp Thing are finding new live and reaching an all new audience. Are you surprised that there's still so much interest in these films? Why do you think they've had such staying power?

All I can think is that it's because they're well made and rather timeless. I've never watched a movie more than once in my life (well, I have seen most of 3 Days of the Condor twice, but not on purpose) so I don't quite understand when fans say they watch these films all the time - but it's nice to hear!

You appear at quite a few conventions every year. What role do you find that you're most recognized for? What's the most interesting fan story you have from meeting so many people at these conventions over the years?

I do two or three a year if I'm available, primarily it's so much fun to meet everyone and to catch up with my dear friends from movies past. I hang on to stories like the one from the Maude fan who told me our show taught him that families could yell at each other, get mad at each other, and yet love each other in spite of their differences of opinion. He hadn't known that in the house he grew up in.

With Halloween right around the corner, I was curious... What horror movies scared you growing up and what are some of your favorite horror films?

I'm not an audience fan of the genre at all. I love doing them, but don't like watching them. And I didn't see many movies of any genre growing up. I vaguely remember Donovan's Brain, so I guess it had an impact on me, but the next horror film I remember seeing was Halloween, right before it was released. That was enough tension to last me the next 40 years.

Aside from your work as an actress, you've also written a series of books. Do you have anything in the works that you can tell our readers about? Is another Vampyres of Hollywood book in the cards?

The third in the Vampyres of Hollywood series, "Make Me Dead", just became available on Amazon. It takes place at a horror convention and I had great fun writing it. And B Harrison Smith and I co-wrote the screenplay to my second novel, "Love Bites", which, hopefully, will be coming to the big screen next year with a new title Vein.

Thank you very much for taking the time to talk with me. I really appreciate it. Before we go, are there any upcoming projects or convention appearances you want our readers to keep an eye on? Where can our readers find you online and/or on social media?

Right now I'm on the road with the National Company of Pippin, singing the great song "No Time At All" as I hang upside down from a trapeze. Hoping to take a short break from that to do some filming and then return to the stage next spring. My website is abarbeau.com and I'm on Twitter as @abarbeau and on Facebook as Adrienne Barbeau. And if you really want to know more about the movies I've made or my career on stage and in TV, my memoir is "There Are Worse Things I Could Do" - the title of the song I sang as Rizzo in the original Broadway production of Grease. Hope you enjoy it!

  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.

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