Previously known as The Children, New Line Cinemas announced that the movie is now titled The Curse of La Llorona and will be released next year on April 19th. Directed by Michael Chaves, the movie is written by Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis, and stars Linda Cardellini, Patricia Velasquez, Madeleine McGraw, Sean Patrick Thomas, John Marshall Jones, and Jaynee-Lynne Kinchen.
For those that are not familiar with La Llorona, it literally translates to "The Weeping Woman" and is a Mexican urban legend of a woman who searches for her lost children. Halloween Horror Nights tackled this theme a few years back and they had a pretty disturbing setup involving children that were possessed by La Llorona: "She is known as the weeping woman. Her legend is one of tragedy... and of murder. She drowned her children in the cold, watery depths and now torments all who hear her with icy, mournful cries. Forced to walk the Earth for eternity, she seeks others to share her pain and suffering, now and forever."
We've included the official motion title reveal below, and an exclusive sneak peek of The Curse of La Llorona will be taking place at New Line Cinema’s #ScareDiego on Wednesday, July 18 at 9:30pm at the Horton Grand Theatre. Look for more details on this film and other horror movies coming out of New Line Cinemas as part of our live Comic-Con coverage.
To keep up with the movie on social media, keep an eye out for #LaLloronaMovie and you can also find the official Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages here: