With the first issue having recently been released by IDW, I caught up with Hannah Rose May to learn more about The Exorcism at 1600 Penn. From research on the White House's haunted history to teaming up with artist Vanesa Del Rey, we dive into the making of this new horror comic book series set within the most secure house on earth.

What was the inspiration behind THE EXORCISM AT 1600 PENN and how did you end up teaming up with IDW for the new series?

Hannah Rose May: Growing up in Ireland means you’re always surrounded by the Catholic Church which had me becoming obsessed with all things exorcisms (I’m not sure what that says about me). I’ve always been fascinated with faith and belief and wanted to tell a story that had characters confronting that head on. There’s no better way to do that than with a good ol’ fashioned exorcism. I also always had an interest in the White House (it is the most famous house in the world after all) so when Joe Biden became president and Ireland rejoiced at having a Catholic in the White House, I had this a-ha moment. I didn’t know exactly what the story was at the time but I had enough of an idea to pitch my editor on Rogues’ Gallery, Heather Antos, the concept. She immediately brought it to her team at IDW and the rest is history!

The first family and the White House have constant media attention and security. Was it fun to play around with weaving a supernatural threat in one of the most secure places on Earth?

Hannah Rose May: Absolutely! The White House isn’t just the most famous house in the world, it’s also the safest. Like any good haunted house story, I wanted to play with the idea of a family moving into their new dream home only to realize it’s actually a nightmare. Being able to take those elements and dress them up with all the bells and whistles of the White House was a blast. I also wanted to explore the idea of how personal privacy as a member of the First Family is non-existent. How would the First Family deal with something terrifying like this while also knowing that if any of it were to leak to the press there’d be a never ending media frenzy.

As must as this is a horror tale, it's deeply rooted in family. Why were you excited to tell the story of Kelly Doyle and her family?

Hannah Rose May: I’ve long believed that if you strip out the supernatural elements of the best horror movies, you’re still left with an excellent drama. Even though horror is present throughout this book, it’s really a story about a family that is straining under intense pressure but must come together during a moment of crisis. In my writing and storytelling, I always want to put women in positions that we don’t normally get to see them. I was very interested in the idea of having Kelly as the first woman president contend with preventing World War III while also juggling a crisis at home. It’s important that we promote narratives, now more than ever, that exemplify the strength of women and showcase how we can be executives, leaders, and bosses while also being mothers.

Can you talk about your process working with Vanesa Del Rey to bring this world to life?

Hannah Rose May: I’ve been a huge fan of Vanesa’s for years so when she signed onto this book, I was over the moon. I realized very quickly with Vanesa that you just need to let her cook. Whatever I put down on the page, I know Vanesa is going to elevate it to levels I couldn’t possibly imagine. It’s been an absolute pleasure to watch Vanesa flex her skills on this book. I might be biased but I sincerely believe that Vanesa is doing some of the best work of her career on this book.

When researching the White House and exorcisms for this story, did you come across anything interesting or that significantly informed the direction the story took?

Hannah Rose May: That’s a great question. I was slightly aware of the haunted history of the White House but as I dove deeper into my research I was blown away by how much anecdotal evidence there was. Not only is it the most famous house in the world, it might just be the most haunted. I wanted to pepper in a few fun references to that haunted past but didn’t want those legends to bleed into our story.

What are some of your favorite horror movies (and/or stories) that you'd recommend to our readers to get them ready for THE EXORCISM AT 1600 PENN?

Hannah Rose May: It should go without saying…The Exorcist should be at the top of your to watch list. I’d also recommend checking out The Poltergeist, The Conjuring, Insidious, and The Night House to set the mood. Actually, fun story – I was signing with the amazing Patrick Horvath (if you haven’t read BENEATH THE TREES WHERE NOBODY SEES, you need to!) and we were talking about Vanesa’s art in The Exorcism at 1600 Penn. I mentioned that the Negative Space Man from The Night House was a big inspo for the demon and it turns out Patrick came up with the Negative Space Man’s design. Patrick isn’t just an amazing comic book writer and artist but a super talented storyboard artist and he worked with the filmmakers to create the entity in The Night House. It was such a crazy small world moment, to know that I was signing my horror comic next to the man who created the inspiration for its demon.


THE EXORCISM AT 1600 PENN #1 is on sale now and issue #2 will be available in comic book shops on December 4th. Hannah Rose May and Vanesa Del Rey are joined on the series by colorist Jordie Bellaire and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.

Series Synopsis: "Kelly Doyle has been elected as the first woman president of the United States at a time when political and international tension is at an all-time high and could spill over at any moment. As the new President works tirelessly to avoid World War III while also balancing being a mother to two teenagers and navigating a rapidly changing media landscape, little does she know that the nation’s hallowed halls will also become the ultimate demonic battleground for good versus evil."

Issue #2 Synopsis: "After Mara was involved in what students called a satanic and violent incident at school, the First Family worries that she's succumbing to the stress of being the daughter of the first female president. But unbeknownst to them, a dark force looms from the doomscrolling shadows... Meanwhile, the Havana Syndrome situation is causing tension in the Oval Office as President Kelly's trusted circle advises military action that could tip the global scale to World War III, despite her better instincts. Can President Kelly save both her family and the world from the political spotlight, or is something more sinister pulling all the strings?"


Issue #1 Cover by Vanesa Del Rey

Issue #1 Cover by Francesco Francavilla

Issue #2 Cover by Vanesa Del Rey

  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.

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