**Updated with two new cards** If you're looking for something special for a Walking Dead fan this Valentine's Day, we have seven printable card designs from The Walking Dead comic book series.
"It’s that time of year again, folks! Love and guts are in the air, thieves are making off with our hearts and mustachioed supermen want to enslave the Earth. Yes, it’s nearly Valentine’s Day.
To celebrate, your friends at Skybound have designed some nifty little cards for you to give to your special someone. Email, share on your favorite social network, or download the printable file to hand them out in person."
*Update: The official website for The Walking Dead just posted an update with two new card designs. We've included all of the updated cards below.
Someecards is also offering The Walking Dead TV series e-cards. They're a little outdated, but if you want to use them as a base for a Photoshopped card, you can view their set at: http://www.someecards.com/the-walking-dead-cards