It's "Zombie Apocalypse Week" on AMC next week, and they're giving everyone a chance to catch up or rewatch all of The Walking Dead before the Season 3 finale on March 31st:
"The Walking Dead fans are about to get one step closer to experiencing the zombie apocalypse first-hand: Next week AMC kicks off Zombie Apocalypse Week, airing each episode of The Walking Dead to date every night in primetime. It all begins Mon., Mar. 25 with the series premiere, "Days Gone Bye" at 8/7c. Throughout the week, episodes from Seasons 1 and 2 will air in order, followed by a Season 3 marathon on Sat., Mar. 30 at 8PM/7c that leads up to the Season 3 Finale, "Welcome to the Tombs" on Sun., Mar. 31 at 9/8c. Lock the doors, close the windows and stockpile your survival gear. Next week, AMC's Zombie Apocalypse hits home."
Season 3 is almost over, but we still have plenty of coverage on the way. We plan to talk with some of the cast and crew to take a look back at Season 3 after it's all over, and we'll be covering any Season 4 news that comes our way. Over the last two weeks, we’ve published an exclusive interview with Andrew Lincoln, an interview with Laurie Holden, and our Season 3 set visit report, so make sure to catch up on both features if you haven’t read them already.
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