In the world of I Still See You, an apocalyptic tragedy has created a world full of ghosts after the doorway to the spirit world is opened, giving way to all kinds of sinister things. After receiving an ominous message, Roni (Bella Thorne) and her fellow classmate Kirk (Richard Harmon) must stop a sinister supernatural entity.
Directed by Scott Speer and based on Daniel Waters' novel Break My Heart One Thousand Times, I Still See You stars Bella Thorne (“Roni”), Richard Harmon (“Kirk”), Amy Price-Francis (“Mrs. Calder”), Hugh Dillon (“Mathison”), Shaun Benson (“Mr. Calder”), Dave Brown (“Principal Pescatelli”), Thomas Elms (“Brian”), with Louis Herthum (“Doctor Steiner”), and Dermot Mulroney (“August”).
Synopsis: "Bella Thorne stars in this spellbinding and romantic supernatural thriller. Ten years after an apocalyptic event left the world haunted by ghosts, Roni (Thorne) receives a threatening message from beyond the grave. Joining forces with a mysterious classmate, Kirk, Roni descends into a shadow world that blurs the bounds of the living and the dead—and begins a desperate race against time to stop a cunning killer."