In Eli Roth’s upcoming thriller Knock Knock, Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas play a pair of lost young women who arrive at the home of Evan Webber (Keanu Reeves) looking for assistance before taking things to an entirely new level by seducing the affable husband and father. The next morning, Evan does his best to get his guests to leave, but the ladies have other plans—deadly plans—and the duo decide Reeves’ character (and his family) must pay for his indiscretions.
At the recent press day, Daily Dead chatted with both Izzo and de Armas about their experiences working together in Knock Knock as well as with their fellow co-star, Reeves. The duo also talked about the visual style of the film, how their characters manifested themselves throughout the various outfits they wore, and how their characters are very much the antagonists here, but also the victims as well.
Check out the video interview with Izzo and de Armas below and look for Knock Knock in theaters and on VOD this weekend, courtesy of Lionsgate Premiere.