This week, Universal Studios Home Entertainment released the latest sequel in the Tremors franchise, Tremors 5: Bloodlines, which follows series mainstay Burt Gummer (portrayed by Michael Gross) as he heads to South Africa after a Graboid attack leaves a villager dead. He’s joined by cameraman Travis Welker (Jamie Kennedy) on his travels and the unlikely duo must team up to stop the monsters from taking over the area before it’s too late for all of humanity.
Daily Dead recently had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Gross at great length about his involvement with the franchise over the last 25 years. In this second installment of our video interview, Gross discussed how his character has endured against the Graboids (as well as the Shriekers and Assblasters) time and time again. The longtime actor also discussed collaborating with Kennedy for Bloodlines and much more.
Below is the second part of our video interview series with Gross, and be sure to check out Tremors 5: Bloodlines, which is currently available on Blu-ray, DVD, and VOD.
In case you missed it, check out Part One of our video interview with Michael Gross: