Today sees the release of Poseidon Rex on iTunes and select theaters, and we caught up with director Mark L. Lester for our latest Q&A feature. Best known for directing Commando and Firestarter, Mark tells us about his fascination with creature features, developing Poseidon Rex, and what he's working on next:

Having been involved in creature features previously, what made you want to take on Poseidon Rex as your next film?

Mark L. Lester: I loved the idea of doing a sea creature movie and always wanted to make one, since I saw Beast of 20,000 Fathoms, as a little kid. That picture really haunted me.

Did you have any input in the story or was the script put together before you came on board?

Mark L. Lester: I developed the entire story from the beginning and had the script written by Rafael Jordan. I wanted to take elements from Into the Blue and make a thriller out of the movie as well. That’s why you have the local gangsters in the picture.

What are some of your favorite creature features and the movies that inspire you?

Mark L. Lester: I love many including Jurassic Park and of course one the classic Creature from the Black Lagoon. I was actually thinking of that movie during the underwater photography development of this picture. To create some suspense under the water was a goal.

What kind of input did you have on the creature design? Was there anything specific you wanted to incorporate and what was the inspiration for the creature?

Mark L. Lester: I designed the creature along with Scott Wheeler at Rouge State. I get a lot of dinosaur pictures and then work on making some kind of hybrid. There were a lot of pictures of Sea Dinosaurs, so definitely inspired by looking at those pictures. I wanted the creature to have big teeth, so he can take big chomp and bite out of this victims, makes it really scary.

What is the biggest challenge shooting a movie like this on the open sea?

Mark L. Lester: The water was very difficult. Boats are moving around in the waves so very complex to get steady shots of the action. Took a long time.

Do you have any advice for young filmmakers who may be looking to create an independent creature feature?

Mark L. Lester: My advice for young filmmakers is to come up with an amazing creature, that you can make great artwork and advertising from. Something Jungian that everyone might be afraid of. That makes it much easier to get financing for the film and excites the marketplace. Do not have creature that’s not scary and doesn’t make a statement. Dinosaurs are always good and there are lots of different ones that have not been done yet.

With Poseidon Rex wrapped up and hitting theaters soon, I know you have some other projects coming up. Can you tell our readers about what movies you're working on?

Mark L. Lester: I’m really excited to be preparing the epics I am making Vikings Vs. Dinosaurs. The Vikings are going to end up on an island with dinosaurs and they have to use their Viking skill set To survive. Of course there will be a few Viking women as well. Also planning a remake of my classic Class of 1984. I have in the can already Dragons of Camelot I produced and directed. This is a fun movie where the knights of King Arthur have to fight the evil queen's dragons to recapture Camelot.
