Film Stills from Witchboard

2014/01/30 20:20:30 +00:00 | Jonathan James

Many horror fans are familiar with Night of the Demons, but before he directed that, Kevin Tenney brought us Witchboard in 1986. Both movies will be released to Blu-ray by Scream Factory on February 4th and we have a look at high-resolution stills from Witchboard:

“It’s called a Ouija Board and it’s been used for thousands of years to communicate with the souls of the afterworld. For beautiful Linda Brewster (Tawny Kitaen), it brings the playful ghost of a dead ten-year-old boy. But when the friendly spirit develops a sudden taste for violent murder and demonic possession, Linda’s boyfriend (Todd Allen) and her former lover (Stephen Nichols) must race to destroy the ferocious portal of the damned.”