It has been announced that George Romero will be lending his voice for the upcoming tower defense-style game Zombie Squash:
Zombie Squash looks to be similar to Plants vs. Zombies and takes place in "a world where vegetation has gone wild from evil experiments gone wrong. This was the work of Dr. Beau E. Vil voiced by the "Godfather of All Zombies" George A. Romero. Zombie Squash is a tower defense style game where the Player is a rabbit named Jack Stompingtail who fires carrots, zucchini and other garden-derived ammo to stop the Zombie Squash from taking over the world."
The game is planned for release on the PC and Mac this Halloween, and we expect to hear about a mobile port in the future. We've included a teaser image below and you can watch a video intro from George Romero with gameplay footage at:
Of course, this isn't George Romero first venture into gaming. Don't forget about his appearance in last year's Call of the Dead zombies map for Call of Duty: Black Ops-