King Falls AM co-hosts Sammy Stevens and Ben Arnold have endured a lot of spooky occurrences since their new show hit the airwaves, but in their latest broadcast, a power outage takes them down one of the most unexpected paths yet.
Hosted by Sammy Stevens (formerly known as Shotgun Sammy from the BJ & Kazoo Morning Show) and Ben Arnold, King Falls AM is a late-night radio talk show that broadcasts out of small-town America and covers a wide range of eerie topics that are right at home on the "Listen" section of Daily Dead. Expect to hear new broadcasts of the show around the 1st and 15th of every month, and you can listen to the eighth broadcast right now!
There's now another way to listen to Sammy and Ben discuss the eerie events of their supernaturally charged town, as King Falls AM is now available on iTunes:
Episode Eight – "Electrolocaust Now": "Sammy & Ben have planned a tribute to King Falls AM's resident jazz legend Chet Sebastian, however an impromptu, and selective power failure, takes out most of the station's broadcast tools, leaving the boys to fend for themselves."