Damn the aliens! Save planet Earth! Directed by Terence Fisher, The Earth Dies Screaming (1964) takes place in the UK, where alien robots reanimate dead bodies in an attempt to invade planet Earth. Kino Lorber will give the film the Blu-ray treatment on October 4th.
From Kino Lorber: "Coming October 4th on Blu-ray!
The Earth Dies Screaming (1964) Starring Willard Parker, Virginia Field, Dennis Price and Thorley Walters - Directed by Terence Fisher."
Synopsis (via Blu-ray.com): "The United Kingdom is invaded by alien-controlled robots, which re-animate dead human bodies. Survivors of the invasion are besieged by the walking corpses of slain friends and neighbors. A crack space pilot returns to Earth to find the planet has been devastated by some unknown forces; so he organizes the survivors in a plan to ward off control by a the killer androids..."
Trailer via ScAYREdotCOM: