Before the fourth installment of Dead of Summer, titled "Modern Love" airs tonight at 9:00pm EST on Freeform, check out 15+ photos and three clips that have been released for the episode.
Finally, a team has assembled. Now, let's get to the bottom of all these crazy events!
Episode 104: "Modern Love" - "With a string of unfortunate events plaguing the start of the summer at Camp Stillwater, Deb decides to push up the masquerade ball to try and revitalize the morale. But as the campers begin the preparations for the ball, the counselors start to compare notes of the strange occurrences they have encountered. With too many weird things taking place to be a coincidence, Alex, Cricket and Amy are determined to get to the bottom of what is happening. As their investigation turns towards Deb, Joel finds himself in a tricky situation."
Photos courtesy of Katie Yu / Freeform: