A parody of shows like Power Rangers and Kamen Rider, Mystic Cosmic Patrol premieres today on Funny or Die, and to commemorate the debut of the sci-fi comedy web series, we've been provided with exclusive show art to share with Daily Dead readers, as well as a PSA video warning you of the dangers of time travel.
You can check out the show art and PSA video below, and in case you missed it, read our interview with John Kassir (the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt), who voices the character Martini-Bot on Mystic Cosmic Patrol.
"Thursday August 24th the MYSTIC COSMIC PATROL launches their fight against intergalactic evil... and each other. The Kaiju-Comedy webseries, will debut on FunnyorDie.com August 24th with the release of a new episode every Thursday for the following month with more episodes coming later this year. Make sure to log on, watch, click FUNNY and Don't Be A Loser-Tron! Show page: http://www.funnyordie.com/mysticcosmic"