Based on the renowned anime series of the same name from director Shinichirō Watanabe and writer Keiko Nobumoto, Netflix's live-action Cowboy Bebop series has now assembled the bounty hunting space crew of its main cast, including John Cho as Spike Spiegel.
Given an initial ten-episode order by Netflix, the live-action Cowboy Bebop series will also star Mustafa Shakir as Jet Black, Daniella Pineda as Faye Valentine, and Alex Hassell as Vicious.
Visit Netflix online and read on for additional details, and stay tuned to Daily Dead for more updates. For those unfamiliar with Cowboy Bebop, the groundbreaking anime series expertly blended elements of westerns, noir, and sci-fi in its story of a bounty hunting spaceship crew in the year 2071. The show also featured original jazz-infused music by composer Yoko Kanno.
"Based on the worldwide phenomenon from Sunrise Inc., Cowboy Bebop is the jazz-inspired, genre-bending story of a rag-tag crew of bounty hunters on the run from their pasts, as they hunt down the solar system’s most dangerous criminals. They’ll even save the world…for the right price.
Alex Garcia Lopez (The Witcher; Marvel’s Daredevil and Marvel's The Punisher; Utopia) will direct the first two episodes.
The following cast are confirmed. Meanwhile, Radical Ed is hacking in, but not cast just yet. Plus more cast to be announced.
For extended character descriptions, visit NXonNetflix.
JOHN CHO (Star Trek, Searching) as Spike Spiegel
Spike Spiegel is an impossibly cool “cowboy” (bounty hunter) with a deadly smile, a wry wit, and style to spare. He travels the solar system with his ex-cop partner, Jet, pursuing the future’s most dangerous bounties with a combination of charm, charisma -- and deadly Jeet Kune Do.
MUSTAFA SHAKIR (Marvel’s Luke Cage) as Jet Black
Jet Black was one of the few honest cops in the solar system before an ultimate betrayal robbed him of all that he loved, forcing him into a vagabond life of hunting bounties to put food on the table. Jet is an inveterate jazz enthusiast and Captain of the Bebop.
DANIELLA PINEDA (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom; What/If) as Faye Valentine
Faye Valentine is a bold, brash and unpredictable bounty hunter. Suffering from amnesia after years of being cryogenically frozen, Faye does whatever it takes to survive. Whether she’s lying, stealing, or just being a thorn in Spike and Jet’s side.
ALEX HASSELL (The Red Sea Diving Resort; Suburbicon) as Vicious
A man who thoroughly enjoys a good kill, Vicious is the Syndicate’s most notorious hitman. He’s also Spike Spiegel’s ex-partner and arch-enemy.
Series information:
Episodes: 10
Co-Production: Netflix and Tomorrow Studios (a partnership between Marty Adelstein and ITV Studios). Netflix will handle physical production.
Showrunners / Executive Producers: Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec, Jeff Pinkner and Scott Rosenberg of Midnight Radio (Limetown, High Fidelity, Knightfall)
Executive Producers: Marty Adelstein and Becky Clements of Tomorrow Studios (Snowpiercer, Hanna); Yasuo Miyakawa, Masayuki Ozaki, and Shin Sasaki of Sunrise Inc; Tetsu Fujimura and Matthew Weinberg.
Writer/Executive Producer: Christopher Yost (Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok) will write the first episode.
Consultant: Shinichiro Watanabe (director of the original anime)"